Buckminster Fuller
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Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller (rođen 12. jula 1895. u Miltonu, Massachusetts, SAD; umro 1. jula 1983. u Los Angelesu) je bio američki arhitekta, dizajner, filozof i pisac.

Napisao je dvadeset i osam knjiga, u kojima je iznosio svoje ideje i poglede na svijet. Bio je zaokupljen egzistencijalnim pitanjima i načinima poboljšanja kvaliteta života. Mnogo je puta proputovao svijet i održao brojna predavanja. Njegovi izumi s područja arhitekture i dizajna, često su bili ispred svoga vremena. Poznata je njegova geodetska kupola - rešetkasta školjkasta struktura (vidi sliku, desno).

Njegov uticaj je bio veliki na brojne ljude. Između ostalih, osobe na koje je uticao su: Constance Abernathy, Ruth Asawa, J. Baldwin, Michael Ben-Eli, Pierre Cabrol, Joseph Clinton, Peter Floyd, Medard Gabel, Michael Hays, David Johnston, Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Pearce, Shoji Sadao, Edwin Schlossberg, Kenneth Snelson, i Robert Anton Wilson.
Alotrop ugljenika, fulleren— i posebno molekula alotropa C60 (buckminsterfuleren ili buckyball) je imenovan po njemu. Molekula Buckminsterfulerena, koja se sastoji od 60 ugljikovih atoma, veoma vjerno nalikuje sferičnoj verziji Fuller-ove geodetske kupole. Godine 1996. Nobelova nagrada za hemiju je dodijeljena naučnicima Kroto-u, Curl-u, i Smalley-u, za njihovo otkriće fullerena.
uredi- 4d Timelock (1928)
- Nine Chains to the Moon (1938)
- Untitled Epic Poem on the History of Industrialization (1962)
- Ideas and Integrities, a Spontaneous Autobiographical Disclosure (1963) ISBN 0-13-449140-8
- No More Secondhand God and Other Writings (1963)
- Education Automation: Freeing the Scholar to Return (1963)
- What I Have Learned: A Collection of 20 Autobiograhical Essays, Chapter "How Little I Know", (1968)
- Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1969) ISBN 0-8093-2461-X
- Utopia or Oblivion (1969) ISBN 0-553-02883-9
- Approaching the Benign Environment (1970) ISBN 0-8173-6641-5 (with Eric A. Walker and James R. Killian, Jr.)
- I Seem to Be a Verb (1970) coauthors Jerome Agel, Quentin Fiore, ISBN 1-127-23153-7
- Intuition (1970)
- Buckminster Fuller to Children of Earth (1972) compiled and photographed by Cam Smith, ISBN 0-385-02979-9
- The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller (1960, 1973) coauthor Robert Marks, ISBN 0-385-01804-5
- Earth, Inc (1973) ISBN 0-385-01825-8
- Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking (1975) in collaboration with E.J. Applewhite with a preface and contribution by Arthur L. Loeb, ISBN 0-02-541870-X
- Tetrascroll: Goldilocks and the Three Bears, A Cosmic Fairy Tale (1975)
- And It Came to Pass — Not to Stay (1976) ISBN 0-02-541810-6
- R. Buckminster Fuller on Education (1979) ISBN 0-87023-276-2
- Synergetics 2: Further Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking (1979) in collaboration with E.J. Applewhite
- Buckminster Fuller Sketchbook (1981)
- Critical Path (1981) ISBN 0-312-17488-8
- Grunch of Giants (1983) ISBN 0-312-35193-3
- Humans in Universe (1983) coauthor Anwar Dil, ISBN 0-89925-001-7
- Cosmography: A Posthumous Scenario for the Future of Humanity (1992) coauthor Kiyoshi Kuromiya, ISBN 0-02-541850-5
Reference sa en wiki
uredi- Encyclopædia Britannica. (2007). "Fuller, R Buckminster". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9365050. pristup od: April 20, 2007.
- Serebriakoff, Victor. "The Odd Way Mensa Began". Western Pennsylvania Mensa. https://web.archive.org/web/20071023004925/http://wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us/~sander/mensa/serebr1.html. Retrieved 2007-11-07
- Pawley, Martin (1991). Buckminster Fuller. New York: Taplinger. ISBN 0-8008-1116-X.
- R. Buckminster Fuller, Your Private Sky, Page 27
- Design – A Three-Wheel Dream That Died at Takeoff – Buckminster Fuller and the Dymaxion Car – NYTimes.com
- John Haber. "Before Buckyballs".
- Lloyd Steven Sieden. Buckminster Fuller's Universe: His Life and Work (pp. 74, 119-142). New York: Perseus Books Group, 2000. ISBN 0-7382-0379-3. p. 74: "Although O'Neill soon became well known as a major American playwright, it was Romany Marie who would significantly influence Bucky, becoming his close friend and confidante during the most difficult years of his life."
- John Haskell. "Buckminster Fuller and Isamu Noguchi". Kraine Gallery Bar Lit, Fall 2007. https://web.archive.org/web/20080513065703/http://www.kgbbar.com/lit/features/buckminster_ful.html.
- Robert Schulman. Romany Marie: The Queen of Greenwich Village (pp. 85–86, 109–110). Louisville: Butler Books, 2006. ISBN 1-884532-74-8.
- "Interview with Isamu Noguchi". Conducted November 7, 1973 by Paul Cummings at Noguchi's studio in Long Island City, Queens. Smithsonian Archives of American Art. http://www.aaa.si.edu/collections/oralhistories/tranSCRIPTs/noguch73.htm.
- Michael John Gorman (updated March 12, 2002). "Passenger Files: Isamu Noguchi, 1904–1988". Towards a cultural history of Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Car. Stanford Humanities Lab. https://web.archive.org/web/20070613214749/http://hotgates.stanford.edu/Bucky/dymaxion/noguchi.htm. Includes several images.
- "IDEAS + INVENTIONS: Buckminster Fuller and Black Mountain College". Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center Exhibit. July 15, 2005 – November 26, 2005. http://blackmountaincollege.org/content/view/45/60/ Arhivirano 15. 1. 2009. na Wayback Machine.
- Partial list of Fuller U.S. patents
- "Book of Members, 1780-2010: Chapter F". American Academy of Arts and Sciences. http://www.amacad.org/publications/BookofMembers/ChapterF.pdf Arhivirano [Date missing] na: ghostarchive.org [Error: unknown archive URL]. Retrieved 7 April 2011.
- Arthur Buckminster Fuller
- Buckminster Fuller: Designer of a New World
- Brand, Stewart (1999). The Clock of the Long Now. New York: Basic. ISBN 0-465-04512-X.
- Fuller, R. Buckminster (1969). Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. ISBN 0-8093-2461-X.
- Fuller, R. Buckminster; Applewhite, E. J. (1975). Synergetics. New York: Macmillan. ISBN 0-02-541870-X.
- Fuller, R. Buckminster (1981). Critical Path. New York: St. Martin's Press. xxxiv-xxxv. ISBN 0-312-17488-8.
- https://web.archive.org/web/20120308072450/http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventors/fuller.htm
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYtQ_-rpAUo&feature=related
- The Economist. http://www.economist.com/debate/days/view/159.
- Fuller, R. Buckminster (1981). "Introduction". Critical Path (First ed.). New York, N.Y.: St.Martin's Press. xxv. ISBN 0-312-17488-8. ""It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary and hence-forth unrationalizable as mandated by survival. War is obsolete."
- Fuller, R. Buckminster (2008). Jaime Snyder. ed. Utopia or oblivion: the prospects for humanity. Baden, Switzerland: Lars Müller Publishers. ISBN 978-3-03778-127-2.
- Edmondson, Amy, "A Fuller Explanation", Birkhauser, Boston, 1987, p19 tetrahedra, p110 octet truss
- Geodesic Domes and Charts of the Heavens
- The R. Buckminster Fuller FAQ: Geodesic Domes
- National Automobile Museum
- "The 50 Worst Cars of All Time"
- Annals of Innovation: Dymaxion Man: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
- Fuller, Buckminster (1969). Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. ISBN 0-8093-2461-X.
- [The Wristwatch For A Drummer: http://www.peteatkin.com/c4.htm]
- "Science: Dymaxion Sleep". Time. October 11, 1943. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,774680,00.html Arhivirano 9. 10. 2011. na Wayback Machine. Retrieved April 27, 2010.
- razgovori Buckminster Fuller-a
- http://www-sul.stanford.edu//depts/spc/fuller/about.html
- http://www.bfi.org/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20061008091220/http://www.poliedrodecaracas.gob.ve/index.php
- Poliedro de Caracas - Sightseeing with Google Satellite Maps
- https://web.archive.org/web/20010903234045/http://cityguides.salsaweb.com/belgium/reports/2001/20010120venezuelatravel/venezimages/caracas04.jpg
- 2theadvocate.com News | Kansas City Southern razes geodesic dome — Baton Rouge, LA - The Eden Project
- "How Little I Know" from And It Came to Pass - Not to Stay Macmillan, 1976
- Intuition (1972).
- Critical Path,
- Synergetics,
- "Selected Quotes". http://www.cjfearnley.com/cgi-bin/cjf-fortunes.pl?srchstr=Fuller&name=Submit. 090810 cjfearnley.com
- Salsbury, Patrick G. (2000) "Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science; An Introduction" Miqel.com
- "Eight Strategies for Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science" Buckminster Fuller Institute
- thirteen.org website Helped organize Fuller's papers Retrieved December 29, 2010
- Thomas T. K. Zung, Buckminster Fuller: Anthology for a New Millennium Retrieved December 29, 2010
- Buckyworks Retrieved December 29, 2010
- Buckworks Retrieved December 29, 2010
- Makovsky, Paul; Lanks, Belinda and Pedersen, Martin C. (July 2008) "The Fuller Effect" Metropolis (Magazine, New York) 28(1): pp. 106–111
- Noland, Carol (November 1, 2009) "Pierre Cabrol dies at 84; architect was lead designer of Hollywood's Cinerama Dome" Los Angeles Times, archived here at WebCite
- Buckminster Fuller Prize challenge Retrieved December 29, 2010
- Thomas T. K. Zung, Buckminster Fuller: Anthology for a New Millennium Retrieved December 29, 2010
- About David Johnston Retrieved December 29, 2010
- Kiyosaki, Robert. Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money, pp. 3–4. Business Plus, 2009. ISBN 978-0-446-55980-5
- Whitney Museum of American Art exhibition, Retrieved December 29, 2010
- Hi Times May 1981, Robert Anton Wilson interviews Buckminster Fuller Retrieved December 29, 2010
- Chemistry 1996
- Buckminster Fuller: Starting with the Universe
- "Chicago's MCA to show Buckminster Fuller ~ Starting with the Universe". Art Knowledge News. 2009. https://web.archive.org/web/20100407000421/http://www.artknowledgenews.com/R_Buckminster_Fuller_Starting_with_the_Universe.html. Retrieved 2011-08-08.
Dodatna literatura
uredi- Applewhite, E. J. Cosmic Fishing: An account of writing Synergetics with Buckminster Fuller. 1977 (ISBN 0-02-502710-7)
- Applewhite, E. J., ed. Synergetics Dictionary, The Mind Of Buckminster Fuller; in four volumes. Garland Publishing, Inc. New York and London. 1986 (ISBN 0-8240-8729-1)
- Chu, Hsiao-Yun. "Fuller's Laboratory Notebook." Collections, Volume 4 Issue 4 Fall 2008 (Lanham, MD: Altamira Press), 295-306.
- Chu, Hsiao-Yun and Roberto Trujillo. New Views on R. Buckminster Fuller.(Stanford, CA; Stanford University Press, 2009) ISBN 0-8047-6279-1
- Eastham, Scott: American Dreamer. Bucky Fuller and the Sacred Geometry of Nature; The Lutterworth Press 2007, Cambridge; ISBN 978-0-7188-3031-1
- Edmondson, Amy: "A Fuller Explanation"; EmergentWorld LLC. 2007 (ISBN 978-0-615-18314-5)
- Hatch, Alden Buckminster Fuller At Home In The Universe. 1974 (ISBN 0-440-04408-1) Crown Publishers, New York.
- Hoogenboom, Olive (1999). "Fuller, R. Buckminster". American National Biography. 8. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 559–562.
- Kenner, Hugh. Bucky: a guided tour of Buckminster Fuller. 1973 (ISBN 0-688-00141-6)
- Krausse, Joachim and Lichtenstein, Claude. ed. Your Private Sky, R. Buckminster Fuller: The Art Of Design Science. Lars Mueller Publishers. 1999 (ISBN 3-907044-88-6)
- McHale, John. R. Buckminster Fuller. George Brazillier, Inc., New York. hardback. 1962.
- Pawley, Martin. Buckminster Fuller. Taplinger Publishing Company, New York. 1991. hardcover (ISBN 0-8008-1116-X)
- Potter, R. Robert. Buckminster Fuller (Pioneers in Change Series). Silver Burdett Publishers. 1990 (ISBN 0-382-09972-9)
- Robertson, Donald. Mind's Eye Of Buckminster Fuller. 1974 (ISBN 0-533-01017-9) Vantage Press, Inc., New York.
- Sieden, Lloyd. Buckminster Fuller's Universe, His Life and Work. 1989 (ISBN 0-7382-0379-3), explores Fuller's personal life, his beliefs and drives.
- Snyder, Robert. Buckminster Fuller: An Autobiographical Monologue/Scenario. St. Martin's Press, New York. hardback. 1980 (ISBN 0-312-24547-5)
- Sterngold, James. "The Love Song of R. Buckminster Fuller." The New York Times [Arts Section], June 15, 2008.
- Ward, James, ed., The Artifacts Of R. Buckminster Fuller, A Comprehensive Collection of His Designs and Drawings in Four Volumes: Volume One. The Dymaxion Experiment, 1926–1943; Volume Two. Dymaxion Deployment, 1927–1946; Volume Three. The Geodesic Revolution, Part 1, 1947–1959; Volume Four. The Geodesic Revolution, Part 2, 1960-1983: Edited with descriptions by James Ward. Garland Publishing, New York. 1984 (ISBN 0-8240-5082-7 vol. 1, ISBN 0-8240-5083-5 vol. 2, ISBN 0-8240-5084-3 vol. 3, ISBN 0-8240-5085-1 vol. 4)
- Wong, Yunn Chii, The Geodesic Works of Richard Buckminster Fuller, 1948-1968 (The Universe as a Home of Man), PhD thesis, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, 1999.
- Wühr, Paul, Das falsche Buch. (Fuller appears as a character in this book.)
- Zung, T.K. Thomas. Buckminster Fuller: Anthology for a New Millennium. St. Martin's Press. 2001 (ISBN 0-312-26639-1)