Nacionalne himne => Državne himne uredi

Pozdravljam. Ja sam već otvorio kategoriju Državne himne, pa ako se slažete, da jednu od ove dvije kategorije ukinemo. To je samo nepotrebno dupliciranje. Hvala Pavone 08:46, 11 januar 2006 (CET)Odgovori

OK, delete one of them, of course (I hadn't known about the other category before, I'm sorry for it). We in cs: also have two almost synonymous corresponding terms Státní hymna and Národní hymna. :-) But because bs: isn't my native language, I can't advise you which of those two categories to choose. Greetings from cs: Miaow Miaow 22:32, 11 januar 2006 (CET)Odgovori