Razgovor:Pindska kneževina

(Preusmjereno sa Razgovor:Pindsko-makedonska kneževina)
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please see en:Talk:Principality of the Pindus#Article information.

  • The name Principality of Pindus is used mainly for the events in 1917 (indeed villages of Pindus were involved)
  • The same name is in some cases used for the events in 1941-43. This is not correct since the events are covered by the actions of the so called "Roman Legion", which was active in Thessalia, as well as parts of Macedonia and Epirus.
  • There was never any Principality or any kind of state formed or even declared neither in 1917 nor in 1941-43
  • In 1941-42, Alcibiades Diamandi was indeed a leader of the Vlach "Roman Legion". He was not any kind of prince.
  • In 1942-43, Nikolaos Matoussis, was the successor of Diamandi in the leadership of the Vlach "Roman Legion". He was not a prince, he was not a regent of any kind as many wikipedias wrongfully indicate.

Apologies, this text is automatically translated:

  • Ime Kneževini Pindus se uglavnom koristi za događaje 1917. godine (zaista sela Pindus su bili uključeni)
  • Isto ime je u nekim slučajevima se koristi za događaje u 1941-1943. Ovo nije točno, jer su događaji obuhvaćeni postupcima tzv "Roman Legion", koji je bio aktivan u Thessalia, kao i dijelove Makedonije i Epira.
  • I nije bilo Kneževina ili bilo kakvih državnih formirana ili čak proglašen ni 1917. ni u 1941-1943
  • U 1941-1942, Alkibijad Diamandi je zaista bio vođa vlaške "rimske legije". On nije bio bilo kakve princa.
  • U 1942-1943, Nikolaos Matoussis, bio je nasljednik Diamandi u rukovodstvu Vlaha "rimske legije". On nije bio princ, on nije bio regent od bilo koje vrste što više Wikipedije pogrešno ukazuju.

--FocalPoint (razgovor) 14:51, 11 oktobar 2015 (CEST)Odgovori

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