Razgovor:Naomi Druškić

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staviću i one reference sa Sar-x.com i D.avaza--CER@ (ask) 11:29, 15 mart 2011 (CET)Odgovori

Molimo Vas da korektno objavite podatke o Naomi Druškić. Takodjer Vas molimo da objavite nove linkove za Naomi.

Srdačan pozdrav iz Sarajeva

Naomi Druškić, rođena 12.11.1998. u Sarajevu. Sa 11 god. završava osnovnu muzičku školu(OMBŠ Novo Sarajevo) u klasi: Prof.Suzane Bevande Sijarić kao najmlađi učenik generacije ikada. U školskoj god. 2011/2012,pohađa Srednju muzičku školu u Sarajevu u klasi prof.Senke Hasanagić. Nastup sa Sarajevskom Filharmonijom sa 7 godina. Svoj prvi solo recital izvela je sa 8 god. u Sarajevu Do sada je imala nastupe u Washingtonu, New Yorku, Singapore, Beijing ,Njemačka Recital 2011.god. Festival „Bašćaršijske noći“ Pohađala je Master kod reneomiranih muzičkih pedagoga:Prof.Gabriel Kwok(Hong Kong)Mr. Aleksandra Romanić, (BIH)Mr.Ludmila Sinygovskaya(Rusija) Prof.Pavlina Dokovska(New York), Prof.Jerome Lowenthal (The Julliard School-New York) Prof.Ling Yuan-(Peking) Dr. Sasha Toperich.

Neke od nagrada: 1.nagrada–Federalno takmičenje 2006 1. nagrada –Federalno takmičenje 2008 2.nagrada–Internacionalno takmičenje-Italija –2007,2009 1.nagrada - Internacionalno takmičenje Beograd -2009 1. nagrada -Internacionalno takmičenje –Banja Luka -2010. Specijalna nagrada za izvođenje Šopena –Banja –Luka-2010. 2.nagrada –Svjetsko Šopenovo takmičenje –Singapur-2010. 1. nagrada –Svjetsko takmičenje talenata-New York-2011. Specijalna nagrada žirija za klavir solo i pobjednički koncert u Karnegi Holu.(Carnegie Hall) 2011.



Naomi Druskic was born in Sarajevo. By age 11, she finished Primary musical school "Novo Sarajevo" as the youngest student. She finished "High music school" in Sarajevo at age 15 and then studied on Royal College of Music (ABRSM) in London... She had many performances in her country and around the world. By age 7, she had a significant performance with the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra. At age 8 she had her first Solo concert in Sarajevo. Audiences were enthralled with her highly technical yet poetically expressive performances. Till now she performed in Washington.D.C. "Kennedy Center", "World Bank", John Hopikns University, four times in New York "Carnegie Hall", Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, two times in Singapore, Beijing China, Los Angeles, Austria, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Croatia... "Bascarsija nights", 2011 Beijing "Music Conservatory 2011" and others. She is the winner of many domestic and international awards. Some of the awards: Federal competition first awards 2006. and 2008. Banja Luka, "Chopin competition"- Special award 2010. Belgrade- Special award 2010. Italy silver 2008. and 2010. Singapore "International Chopin Competition" - silver 2010. New York "American Protege "-Special award of jury for best performance of Chopin and Gold medal -2011. New York "International Piano Competition"- Gold medal and acknowledgment for best performers and achievements in the filed of music performance, May 2013. Washington D.C. "Kennedy Center" 2013, she won Title escort of first Phenom Laureata of the world. New York - Winner on Golden Key festival- May 2014. Singapore 2014, wins Platinum and Special acknowledgment for best performers.

She got special acknowledgments for achievements in the field of music from "Federal Ministry of Science and Culture" in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. Also from "Cantonal Ministry of Culture" got Thanksgiving and high cash prizes for achievements in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. In the field of culture she was Person of the year 2010 i 2013, in the selection of magazine "Gracija"

In her love for arts, acting has a special place. She got her first and lead role in a movie where she could combine her two big loves, music and acting " Playing with Beethoven ".

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