Joan Crawford

američka glumica

Joan Crawford (23. mart 190? [Note 1] – 10. maj 1977) bila je američka glumica i plesačica. Karijeru je počela kao plesačica u putujućim pozorišnim trupama prije nego što je debitirala na Broadwayu. Potpisala je ugovor za film s Metro-Goldwyn-Mayerom 1925. U početku frustrirana veličinom i kvalitetom svojih uloga, Crawford je pokrenula reklamnu kampanju i izgradila imidž nacionalno poznatog flapera do kraja 1920-ih. Do 1930-ih, njena slava bila je konkurencija kolegicama iz MGM-a Normi Shearer i Greti Garbo. Često je glumila vrijedne mlade žene koje pronalaze romansu i finansijski uspjeh. Ove priče "od krpa do bogatstva" bile su dobro prihvaćene od publike u doba Velike depresije i bile su popularne među ženama. Postala je jedna od najistaknutijih holivudskih filmskih zvijezda i jedna od najplaćenijih žena u Sjedinjenim Državama, međutim, krajem 1930-ih njeni filmovi nisu bili toliko finansijski uspješni.

Joan Crawford
Joan Crawford
Ime pri rođenjuLucille Fay LeSueur
Rođenje23. mart 190?.
San Antonio, Teksas, S.A.D.
Smrt10. maj 1977. (69–73)
New York City, S.A.D.
Godine rada1924–1974
  • Douglas Fairbanks Jr. ​(1929; razvod 1933)​
  • Franchot Tone ​(1935; razvod 1939)​
  • Phillip Terry ​(1942; razvod 1946)​
  • Alfred Steele ​(1955; umro 1959)

Nakon gotovo dvije godine odsustva s platna, vratila se glumi u filmu Mildred Pierce (1945), za koji je osvojila Oscara za najbolju glavnu ulogu. Godine 1955. postala je povezana s kompanijom Pepsi-Cola, kroz brak s predsjednikom kompanije Alfredom Steeleom. Nakon njegove smrti 1959. izabrana je da popuni njegovo upražnjeno mjesto u upravnom odboru, ali je prisilno penzionisana 1973. Nastavila je redovno glumiti na filmu i televiziji do 1960-ih, kada su njeni nastupi postali sve manji; nakon izlaska horora Trog 1970. povukla se s platna. Nakon javnog nastupa 1974, poslije čega su objavljene neugodne fotografije, povukla se i iz javnog života. Postajala je sve povučenija sve do smrti 1977.

Udavala se četiri puta. Njena prva tri braka završila su se razvodom; posljednji je završen smrću muža Ala Steelea. Usvojila je petero djece, od kojih je jedno vratila njegova rođena majka. Njen odnos s njeno dvoje starije djece, Christinom i Christopherom, bio je žestok. Razbaštinila ih je i, nakon njene smrti, Christina je objavila memoare Mommie Dearest.[12]



Glavne uloge

Nijemi filmovi
Godina Naziv filma Uloga Režiser Studio
1925. Lady of the Night Zamjena za Norma Shearer[13] Monta Bell Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Proud Flesh Gost na zabavi[13] King Vidor
A Slave of Fashion Lutka[13] Hobart Henley
Vesela udovica Plesačica[13] Erich von Stroheim
Pretty Ladies Bobby, igračica[14] Monta Bell
Krug Mlada gospođica Catherine[13] Frank Borzage
The Midshipman Zamjena[13] Christy Cabanne
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ Gledateljka utrke kočija[13] Fred Niblo
Stara odjeća Mary Riley[14] Edward F. Cline
The Only Thing Gost na zabavi[13] Jack Conway
Sally, Irene i Mary Irene Edmund Goulding
1926. Skitnica, skitnica, skitnica Betty Burton Harry Edwards First National
The Boob Jane William A. Wellman Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Paris djevojka Edmund Goulding
1927. Winners of the Wilderness René Contrecoeur W. S. Van Dyke
The Taxi Dancer Joslyn Poe Harry F. Millarde
The Understanding Heart Monica Dale Jack Conway
Nepoznato Estrellita or Nanon Tod Browning
Twelve Miles Out Jane Jack Conway
Spring Fever Allie Monte Edward Sedgwick
1928. West Point Betty Channing Edward Sedgwick
The Law of the Range Betty Dallas William Nigh
Rose Marie Rose-Marie Lucien Hubbard
Across to Singapore Priscilla Crowninshield William Nigh
Four Walls Frieda
Our Dancing Daughters Diana Medford Harry Beaumont
Dream of Love Adrienne Lecouvreur Fred Niblo
1929. The Duke Steps Out Susie James Cruze
Our Modern Maidens Billie Brown Jack Conway

‡ označava izgubljeni film

Filmovi sa zvukom
Godina Naziv filma Uloga Režiser Studio
1929. The Hollywood Revue of 1929[15] Glumi sebe Charles Reisner Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Untamed Alice "Bingo" Dowling Jack Conway
1930. Mjesec u Montani Joan "Montana" Prescott Malcolm St. Clair
Our Blushing Brides Gerry Marsh Harry Beaumont
Plaćeno Mary Turner Sam Wood
1931. Dance, Fools, Dance Bonnie Jordan Harry Beaumont
Laughing Sinners Ivy Stevens
This Modern Age Val Winters Nick Grinde
Opsjednuta Marian Martin Clarence Brown
1932. Grand Hotel Flaemmchen Edmund Goulding
Letty Lynton Letty Lynton Clarence Brown
Kiša Sadie Thompson Lewis Milestone United Artists
1933. Danas živimo Diana "Ann" Boyce-Smith Howard Hawks Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Razigrana dama Janie "Duchess" Barlow Robert Z. Leonard
1934. Sadie McKee Sadie McKee Brennan Clarence Brown
Okovana Diane "Dinah" Lovering
Forsaking All Others Mary Clay W. S. Van Dyke
1935. No More Ladies Marcia Townsend Edward H. Griffith
I Live My Life Kay Bentley W. S. Van Dyke
1936. Zamamni đavolak Margaret "Peggy" O'Neal Clarence Brown
Love on the Run Sally Parker W. S. Van Dyke
1937. Posljednji časovi gospođe Cheyney Fay Cheyney Richard Boleslawski
Nevjesta je bila u crvenom Anni Pavlovitch Dorothy Arzner
Manekenka Jessica Cassidy Frank Borzage
1938. The Shining Hour Olivia Riley
1939. The Ice Follies of 1939 Mary McKay Reinhold Schünzel
Žene Crystal Allen George Cukor
1940. Neobični tovar Julie Frank Borzage
Susan i Bog Susan Trexel George Cukor
1941. Lice jedne žene Anna Holm
Kad se žene sastaju Mary Howard Robert Z. Leonard
1942. Svi su ljubili nevjestu Margaret Drew Alexander Hall Columbia
Sastanak u Francuskoj Michele de la Becque Jules Dassin Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1943. Above Suspicion Frances Myles Richard Thorpe
1944. Hollywoodska kantina Glumi sebe (cameo uloga) Delmer Daves Warner Bros.
1945. Mildred Pierce Mildred Pierce Michael Curtiz
1946. Humoreska Helen Wright Jean Negulesco
1947. Opsjednuta Louise Howell Curtis Bernhardt
Daisy Kenyon Daisy Kenyon Otto Preminger 20th Century Fox
1949. Flamingo Road Lane Bellamy Michael Curtiz Warner Bros.
1949. It's a Great Feeling Glumi sebe (cameo uloga) David Butler
1950. Prokleti ne plaču Ethel Whitehead Vincent Sherman
Harriet Craig Harriet Craig Columbia
1951. Goodbye, My Fancy Agatha Reed Warner Bros.
1952. This Woman Is Dangerous Beth Austin Felix E. Feist
Nenadani strah Myra Hudson David Miller RKO
1953. Ljubavna pjesma/Nježna pjesma Jenny Stewart Charles Walters Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1954. Johnny Guitar Vienna Nicholas Ray Republic
1955. Žena na obali Lynn Markham Joseph Pevney Universal
Queen Bee Eva Phillips Ranald MacDougall Columbia
1956. Jesensko lišće Millicent "Milly" Wetherby Robert Aldrich
1957. Priča o Esther Costello Margaret Landi David Miller
1959. Najbolje od svega Amanda Farrow Jean Negulesco 20th Century Fox
1962. Što se dogodilo s Baby Jane? Blanche Hudson Robert Aldrich Seven Arts
1963. The Caretakers Lucretia Terry Hall Bartlett United Artists
1964. Luđačka košulja Lucy Harbin William Castle Columbia
1965. I Saw What You Did Amy Nelson Universal
1967. The Karate Killers[16] Amanda True Barry Shear Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Berserk! Monica Rivers Jim O'Connolly Columbia
1970. Trog Dr. Brockton Freddie Francis Warner Bros.

Kratki filmovi

Godina Naziv filma Uloga Režiser Studio
1925. MGM Studio Tour Glumi sebe[14] Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1925. Miss MGM Gđica MGM[13]
1930. Hollywood Snapshots #11 Glumi sebe Ralph Staub Columbia
1931. The Slippery Pearls Glumi sebe William C. McGann Paramount
1932. Screen Snapshots Glumi sebe Ralph Staub Columbia
1947. The Jimmy Fund Glumi sebe
1958. Hollywood Mothers and Fathers Glumi sebe
1972. A Very Special Child Naratorica American Cancer Society


  1. ^ Njena godina rođenja nije sa sigurnošću određena. Različiti izvori navode 1904,[1][2][3] 1905,[4][5] 1906,[6][7] i 1908.[8][9] Ona sama tvrdila je da je 1908. (datum na njenom nadgrobnom spomeniku).[10] Njena kćerka Christina navodi "1904." dva puta u biografiji Mommie Dearest, objavljenoj 1978.[11]


  1. ^ Hischak, Thomas S. (2008). The Oxford Companion to the American Musical: Theatre, Film, and Television: Theatre, Film, and Television: Theatre, Film, and Television. Oxford: Oxford University Press. str. 174. ISBN 978-0-19-533533-0. Crawford, Joan [born Lucille Fay LeSueur] (1904–1977)
  2. ^ Bret, David (2009). Joan Crawford: Hollywood Martyr. New York City: Da Capo Press. str. 8. ISBN 978-0-7867-3236-4. She was born Lucille Fay LeSueur, most likely on 23 March 1904 (though she always maintained it was 1908, when birth certificates became state mandatory...)
  3. ^ Knowles, Mark (2009). The Wicked Waltz and Other Scandalous Dances: Outrage at Couple Dancing in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. str. 233. ISBN 978-0-7864-3708-5. Joan Crawford was born Lucille Fay LeSueur in San Antonio, Texas on March 23, 1904. (After she was famous, the date of her birth mysteriously changed to 1906 or 1908)
  4. ^ Ware, Susan (2004). Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary Completing the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. str. 143. ISBN 978-0-674-01488-6. offers the birth date of March 23, 1905
  5. ^ Cowie, Peter (2009). Joan Crawford: The Enduring Star. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan. ISBN 978-0-8478-3066-4. On March 23, 1908, by her own reckoning (although the real date may have been 1905, or even 1904), Lucille Fay LeSueur was born ...
  6. ^ Spoto, Donald (2010). Possessed: The Life of Joan Crawford. New York City: HarperCollins. str. 6. ISBN 978-0-06-202020-8.
  7. ^ Nowak, Donna Marie (2010). Just Joan: A Joan Crawford Appreciation. Albany, GA: BearManor Media. str. 583–. GGKEY:5Y2F5EPURAR.
  8. ^ Quirk, Lawrence J.; Schoell, William (2002). Joan Crawford: The Essential Biography. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. str. 1. ISBN 978-0-8131-2254-0. On March 23, 1904, in San Antonio, Texas, Anna Bell Johnson LeSueur gave birth to a little girl, whom she and her husband, Thomas, named Lucille Fay. Lucille was the couple's third child; another daughter, Daisy, had died in infancy, and Lucille's brother, Hal, had been born the previous year. (Many years later, when little Lucille was the famous woman known to the world as Joan Crawford, the year of her birth mysteriously changed to 1906 or 1908.)
  9. ^ "The Second Rise of Joan Crawford". Life. 23. 6. 1947. str. 45. ISSN 0024-3019. Pristupljeno 23. 3. 2020. The year of Miss Crawford's birth has been variously identified as 1904, 1906, 1908, and 1909, the last being her own favorite..
  10. ^ Wilson, Scott (2016). Resting Places: The Burial Sites of More Than 14,000 Famous Persons, 3d ed. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. str. 165. ISBN 978-1-4766-2599-7. Crawford, Joan (Lucille LeSueur, March 23, 1904 – May 10, 1977) San Antonio born film star.... Her ashes were placed in the vault beside the coffin of her husband, with the crypt listing her birth year as 1908.
  11. ^ Crawford, Christina (2017) [1978]. Mommie Dearest. New York City: William Morrow & Company. ISBN 978-1-5040-4908-5. My mother was born Lucille LeSueur in San Antonio, Texas, in 1904, although when she came to Hollywood, she lied about her age and changed the year to 1908.:20 Publicly, her birth date was always reported as March 23, 1908, but Grandmother told me that she was actually born in 1904.":66 CS1 održavanje: nepreporučeni parametar (link)
  12. ^ Day, Elizabeth (24. 5. 2008). "I'll never forgive Mommie: Joan Crawford's daughter gives first interview in 10 years". The Guardian. Pristupljeno 29. 1. 2017.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i Uncredited
  14. ^ a b c Credited as Lucille LeSueur
  15. ^ With sound. In color. Singing, dancing, and part of an all-star cast performing the song "Got a Feeling for You".
  16. ^ Feature film culled from 2-part episode of The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

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