Ivan Sutherland
Ivan Edward Sutherland (rođen 16. maja 1938[1]. u Hastings, Nebraska) je računarski programer i internetski pionir.

Izumio Sketchpad,[2] inovativni program koji je omogućio bolje rukovanje računarom.
Trenutno radi za Sun Microsystems.
Publikacije i vanjski linkovi
uredi- SketchPad Arhivirano 8. 7. 2011. na Wayback Machine, 2004 from "CAD software – historija CAD CAM" po CADAZZ
- Sutherlandova doktorska teza iz 1963. na Massachusetts Institute of Technology ponovno izdata 2003. od strane University of Cambridge kao Technical Report Number 574, Sketchpad, A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System. Supervisor njegove teze je bio Claude Shannon, otac informacijske teorije.
- Duchess Chips for Process-Specific Wire Capacitance Characterization, The, autora: Jon Lexau, Jonathan Gainsley, Ann Coulthard i Ivan E. Sutherland, Sun Microsystems Laboratories Report Number TR-2001-100, oktobar 2001.
- Technology And Courage autora Ivan Sutherlanda, Sun Microsystems Laboratories Perspectives Essay Series, Perspectives-96-1 (april 1996.)
- Biografija, "Ivan Sutherland" oko 1996., domaćin je Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing
- Counterflow Pipeline Processor Architecture, autor Ivan E. Sutherland, Charles E. Molnar (Charles Molnar) i Robert F. Sproull (Bob Sproull), Sun Microsystems Laboratories Report Number TR-94-25, april 1994.
- Usmeni historijski intervju sa Ivan Sutherland-om na Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Sutherland opisuje svoj mandat na čelu ureda "Information Processing Techniques" (IPTO) od 1963 do 1965.
uredi- ^ http://books.google.ba/books?id=uPRB-OED1bcC&pg=PA701&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false Encyclopedia of World Scientists
- ^ "Ivan E. Sutherland | Computer History Museum". www.computerhistory.org. Pristupljeno 6. 4. 2019.