Dennis Ritchie
Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie (9. septembar, 1941., umro 8. oktobra 2011.) je bio računarski naučnik koji je dao doprinos u razvoju programskih jezika i operativnih sistema kao što su ALTRAN, B, BCPL, C, Multics i Unix. Početkom 1967. godine počinje raditi u Bell Labs, a bio je i na čelu Lucent Technologiesa. On i Ken Thompson su zajedno primili Turingovu nagradu za razvoj općenitih operativnih sistema, kao i za implementaciju Unix operativnog sistema.[1]

Reference sa en wiki
uredi- "Unix and C creator Dennis Ritchie dies". Computerworld UK. 2011-10-13.
- BoingBoing - Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011: Computer scientist, Unix co-creator, C programming language co-inventor
- Dennis M. Ritchie at the Mathematics Genealogy Project.
- National Academy of Engineering : Members Directory – Dr. Dennis M. Ritchie
- The Reflections on Software Research paper. (PDF) . Retrieved on 2011-08-21.
- "IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal Recipients". IEEE. Retrieved May 29, 2011 (2011-05-29).
- Ritchie and Thompson [to] Get National Medal of Technology Bell Labs pre-announcement
- Ritchie and Thompson Receive National Medal of Technology from President Clinton Bell Labs press release
- Evangelista, Benny, "Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie win Japan Prize", San Francisco Chronicle, January 25, 2011
- "Google Groups : net.unix-wizards". 1984-03-13.
- "Google Groups : comp.lang.c". 2006-08-23.
- "Brainy".
- "The Development of the C Language". 23. 5. 2013. na Wayback Machine.
Vanjski linkovi
uredi- ^ "Ken Thompson | Computer History Museum". Pristupljeno 6. 4. 2019.
- Dennis Ritchie's home page at Bell Labs
- Transcript of an interview with Dennis Ritchie – Interview by Michael S. Mahoney
- Interview with Dennis M. Ritchie – By Manuel Benet (published in in July 1999)
- DMR interview published February 7. 2003 Arhivirano 18. 8. 2010. na Wayback Machine
- Ritchie and Thompson Receive National Medal of Technology from President Clinton
- The future according to Dennis Ritchie – 12/4/00
- The Limbo Programming Language by Dennis M. Ritchie
- radovi autora ili o osobi Dennis Ritchie u bibliotekama (WorldCat kataloga)