Razgovor s korisnikom:Palapa/Flow

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Prethodna stranica za razgovor arhivirana je na stranici Razgovor sa korisnikom:Palapa/Arhiva 2 na datum 2015-12-21.

This page will be moved and archived

MediaWiki message delivery (razgovordoprinosi)


This is an important message regarding this page.

This page uses Structured Discussions/Flow, an obsolete tool that causes a lot of maintenance problems. It has been decided that this tool should be removed from the wikis.

Starting November 28, it won't be possible to add any new topic or post a message to this page.

Before this date, we ask you to move this page to a subpage, in order to archive it. When the move is done, this page will become a talk page like any talk page elsewhere.

If you haven't moved this page before November 28, a script will automatically move the page to an archive page (the format will be Name of the page/Flow). The page using Structured Discussions/Flow will then be set in read-only mode.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Trizek_(WMF) 11:26, 20 novembar 2024 (CET)

Results from the survey about the tools on Wikimedia projects by the CEE Hub

MediaWiki message delivery (razgovordoprinosi)

Hi everyone,

During August 2024, we sent you a survey about the tools, so now we would like to bring to your attention the conclusions and results from the survey, which you can explore on this Meta page.

I hope you will enjoy exploring the mentioned tools on the page, along with other conclusions from the survey. Thanks for your time, and we will continue working on this important topic. --

Panasko (razgovordoprinosi)

@palapa pozdrav, možeš li baciti pogled na svoje podstranice, imaš neke koje su stare 9 godina a imaju dodane Kategorije (nisu napravljene a na engleskom jeziku su) pa nam se pojavljuju u pregledu kategorija za napraviti. Kada mogneš to počistiti bio bih ti zahvalan. Pozdrav,

Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)

ma briši sve što smeta, slobodno

Panasko (razgovordoprinosi)

nemam ja prava na brisanje, pa zato

Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)

pogledati ću

Research about the tools on Wikimedia projects by the CEE Hub

MediaWiki message delivery (razgovordoprinosi)

Hi everyone,

We would like to invite you to submit your responses to the survey dedicated to the tools that are used currently across the Wikimedia projects and the tools that you want to have.

This survey was made by the working group of the CEE Hub, and your responses will be reviewed afterwards, as we want to continue supporting the communities. That support can be documentation for certain most used tools by other communities across the region per specific topics, finding solutions for new tools to be created in the future, creating most needed tools in the region (so called "regional wishlist list"), and many other options.

Deadline to fill in the survey is 20th of August, 2024.

Submit your answers here

Thank you in advance for your time that you will dedicate in filling in this survey --

Translation request

4 (razgovordoprinosi)
Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)

it will probably be their turn (razgovordoprinosi)

I understand. Thank you for the reply. 23:33, 21 juli 2024 (CEST)

Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)

Youe are welcome

Reminder to vote now to select members of the first U4C

MediaWiki message delivery (razgovordoprinosi)

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezik

Dear Wikimedian,

You are receiving this message because you previously participated in the UCoC process.

This is a reminder that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) ends on May 9, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 01:16, 3 maj 2024 (CEST)

Ubavivanje šablona u godine

Panasko (razgovordoprinosi)

@palapa pitao sam Srđana da li WumpusBot može ubaciti ove šablone što iz ubacuješ u godine i kaže da može pa je produktivnije ostaviti to botu a ti možeš to vrijeme bolje iskoristiti. Ako hoces samo na stranicu bota stavi temu i opis pa će to odraditi kada stigne

Blokada korisnika AdnanSa

4 (razgovordoprinosi)

Kolega mozes li molim te provjeriti zasto me Srdjan blokirao. Ne mogu ni da ga pitam kao neregistrovan korisnik, a ne mogu pitati ni na Carsiji, a pod imenom AdnanSa sam blokiran. Lijep pozdrav, AdnanSa

Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)

m0‎Zaštitio je stranicu "Korisnik:AdnanSa": Preventivno, javi ako hoćeš da prije otključam ili da produžim. ([Uređivanje=Dopušteno samo automatski potvrđenim korisnicima] (ističe 10:51, 27 juli 2022 (UTC)) [Premještanje=Dopušteno samo automatski potvrđenim korisnicima] (ističe 10:51, 27 juli 2022 (UTC)))

Srđan (razgovordoprinosi)

"Srdjan" te nije blokirao, što je javno vidljivo u zapisnicima. Moguće je da je neko zbog vandalizma blokirao IP-adresu ili IP-opseg s kojeg uređuješ, a koji dijeliš s više korisnika. Dodijelio sam privremeni izuzetak.

Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)

Sada ću pogledati

Panasko (razgovordoprinosi)
Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)

ma samo ga revertuješ, slobodno, al, eto, pogledati ću.

Panasko (razgovordoprinosi)

Uvod za njemački jezik imao si dva puta, pa dio na ekavici (i meni promakne kad sređujem prijevod).

Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)

slobodno ukloni kada vidiš tako nešto, nema čekanja, nema ljutnje.

Panasko (razgovordoprinosi)

Možeš li dodati 2024.?

Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)


Panasko (razgovordoprinosi)

U godine, ja bih dodao ali mi je nezgodno na mobitelu. Tek naredne sedmice sam pei računaru

Palapa (razgovordoprinosi)


Panasko (razgovordoprinosi)

Hvala ti

Nazad na stranicu korisnika "Palapa/Flow".