Razgovor o modulu:Dts/testiranje

N 22 testa nije uspjelo.

Ime testa Očekivani rezultat Dobiven rezultat
N testAbbrDefault Modul:Dts/testiranje:518:Failed to find pattern "January 1, 2000" in string "<span class="sortkey" style="display:none&#59;speak:none">000000002000-01-01-0000</span><span style="white-space:nowrap">1. januar 2000.</span>"
N testAbbrOff Modul:Dts/testiranje:23:Failed to find pattern "January 1, 2000" in string "<span class="sortkey" style="display:none&#59;speak:none">000000002000-01-01-0000</span><span style="white-space:nowrap">1. januar 2000.</span>"
N testAbbrOn Modul:Dts/testiranje:18:Failed to find pattern "Jan 1, 2000" in string "<span class="sortkey" style="display:none&#59;speak:none">000000002000-01-01-0000</span><span style="white-space:nowrap">1. jan 2000.</span>"
checkY testAddkey
checkY testAddkeyError
N testBCError Modul:Dts/testiranje:33:Failed to find plain string "'foo' is not a valid era code (expected 'BC', 'BCE', 'AD' or 'CE')" in string "'foo' nije validan kod za eru (očekuje se 'p.n.e.', 'n.e.', 'AD' or 'CE')"
N testBCNegativeYear January 27, 2000 BC 27. januar 2000. p. n. e.
N testBCParam January 27, 2000 BC 27. januar 2000. p. n. e.
checkY testBlank
checkY testDateAllMons
checkY testDateAllMonths
checkY testDateD
checkY testDateM
checkY testDateMD
checkY testDateNegativeYear
checkY testDateString
checkY testDateY
checkY testDateYD
checkY testDateYM
checkY testDateYMD
checkY testDateYMonD
checkY testDateYMonthD
checkY testDayError
checkY testFormatD
N testFormatDM 27 January 27. januar
N testFormatDMY 27 January 2000 27. januar 2000.
N testFormatDefault January 27, 2000 27. januar 2000.
checkY testFormatHide
N testFormatM January januar
N testFormatMD January 27 januar 27
N testFormatMDY January 27, 2000 januar 27, 2000.
N testFormatMY January 2000 januar 2000.
N testFormatY 2000 2000.
N testInvalidDateError Modul:Dts/testiranje:33:Failed to find pattern "'foo' is an invalid date" in string "'foo' je nevalidan datum"
N testLargeNegativeYearDisplay 1,000,000 BC 1.000.000. p. n. e.
N testLargeYearDisplay 1,000,000 1.000.000.
N testMain Modul:Dts/testiranje:560:Failed to find pattern "^<strong class="error">Error in %[%[Template:Dts%]%]: .-</strong>" in string "<strong class="error">Greška u šablonu [[Šablon:Dts]]: 'foo' je nevalidan datum</strong>"
checkY testMonthError
checkY testNoWrapDefault
checkY testNoWrapOff
checkY testNoWrapOn
checkY testParseAllMons
N testParseAllMonths Lua error -- 'oktober' je nevalidan datum
checkY testParseDDMMYYYY
checkY testParseDDMon
checkY testParseDDMonYYYY
checkY testParseDDMonth
checkY testParseDDMonth000Y
checkY testParseDDMonth0YYY
checkY testParseDDMonthYYY
checkY testParseDDMonthYYYY
checkY testParseMon
checkY testParseMonDD
checkY testParseMonDDYYYY
checkY testParseMonYYYY
checkY testParseMonth
checkY testParseMonthDD
checkY testParseMonthDDYYYY
checkY testParseMonthYYYY
checkY testParseNegativeYear
checkY testParseSept
checkY testParseSmallYear
checkY testParseYYYYMM
checkY testParseYYYYMMDD
checkY testParseYear
checkY testSortKeyBlank
checkY testSortKeyD
checkY testSortKeyM
checkY testSortKeyMD
checkY testSortKeyMaxYear
checkY testSortKeyMinYear
checkY testSortKeyNegative
checkY testSortKeyY
checkY testSortKeyYD
checkY testSortKeyYM
checkY testSortKeyYMD
checkY testTrackingCategory
N testYearHighRangeError Modul:Dts/testiranje:33:Failed to find pattern "broj godine ne smije biti veći od 999,999,999,999" in string "broj godine ne smije biti veći od 999.999.999.999"
N testYearLowRangeError Modul:Dts/testiranje:33:Failed to find plain string "broj godine ne smije biti manji od -999,999,999,999" in string "broj godine ne smije biti manji od −999.999.999.999"
N testYearNonIntegerError Modul:Dts/testiranje:33:Failed to find pattern "years must be an integer" in string "godina se mora sastojati od brojeva"
checkY testZeroYearError
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