Kategorije za praćenje
Ova stranica prikazuje kategorije za praćenje koje softver MediaWiki automatski popunjava. Njihovi nazivi mogu se promijeniti izmjenom odgovarajućih sistemskih poruka u imenskom prostoru MediaWiki.
Kategorija za praćenje | Naziv poruke | Kriteriji za uključenje u kategoriju |
Stranice sa neispravnim linkovima do datoteka (238 S) | broken-file-category | Stranica sadrži pokvareni link ka datoteci (link koji se nadovezuje na nepostojeću datoteku). |
Stranice sa istim argumentima kod poziva šablona (1.392 S, 2 D) | duplicate-args-category | Stranica sadrži pozive šablona koji koriste argumente dvojnike, kao što su {{foo|bar=1|bar=2}} ili {{foo|bar|1=baz}} . |
Stranice koje su prekoračile dubinu proširenja (prazno) | expansion-depth-exceeded-category | Stranica je prešla najveću dubinu proširenja. |
Stranice sa previše poziva parserskih funkcija (prazno) | expensive-parserfunction-category | Stranica koristi previše ekspenzivnih parserskih funkcija (poput #ifexist ). Pogledajte Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit. |
Sakrivene kategorije (414 K) | hidden-category-category | Kategorija u sebi sadrži __HIDDENCAT__ te se samim tim ne prikazuju u odjeljku za kategoriju na stranicama. |
Indeksirane stranice (1 S) | index-category | Stranica ima u sebi __INDEX__ (te se nalazi u imenskom prostoru gdje je ta oznaka dozvoljena) pa je, samim tim, roboti indeksiraju. |
Stranice sa prekoračenim brojem čvorova (prazno) | node-count-exceeded-category | Stranica je prešla najviši broj čvorova. |
Neindeksirane stranice (58 S, 4.185 D) | noindex-category | Roboti ne indeksiraju stranicu jer u sebi ima magičnu riječ __NOINDEX__ , te je u imenskom prostoru u kome ta oznaka nije dozvoljena. |
Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments (3.790 S) | nonnumeric-formatnum | The page contains a non-numeric argument to the formatnum parser function. |
Stranice koje sadrže nedostajuće argumente u šablonu (prazno) | post-expand-template-argument-category | Veličina stranice prelazi $wgMaxArticleSize nakon proširenja defincije šablona (nešto što je u trima vitičastim zagradama, poput {{{Foo}}} ). |
Stranice gdje su uključeni šabloni preveliki (7 S) | post-expand-template-inclusion-category | Veličina stranice prelazi $wgMaxArticleSize nakon proširenja svih šablona, te zbog toga neki šabloni nisu prošireni. |
Stranice sa zanemarenim naslovima za prikaz (24 S) | restricted-displaytitle-ignored | Stranica sadrži {{DISPLAYTITLE}} koji je zanemaren zato što ne odgovara stvarnom naslovu stranice. |
Stranice koje koriste = kao šablon (prazno) | template-equals-category | The page contains {{=}} but on this wiki that does not expand to = . This usage is deprecated; a future MediaWiki version will implement {{=}} as a parser function. |
Pages with template loops (11 S) | template-loop-category | The page contains a template loop, ie. a template which calls itself recursively. |
Pages where the unstrip depth limit is exceeded (prazno) | unstrip-depth-category | The page exceeds the unstrip depth limit. |
Pages where the unstrip size limit is exceeded (prazno) | unstrip-size-category | The page exceeds the unstrip size limit. |
Pages with invalid language codes (prazno) | bad-language-code-category | The page contains a {{#dir}} with an invalid language code. |
Pages with image sizes containing extra px (232 S) | double-px-category | The page contains an image whose size contains an extra px suffix, like 100pxpx . |
Pages using the EasyTimeline extension (116 S) | timeline-tracking-category | The page includes a <timeline> tag |
Pages using the WikiHiero extension (22 S) | wikihiero-usage-tracking-category | This category is automatically added to pages that use WikiHiero extension |
Pages with reference errors that trigger visual diffs (259 S) | cite-tracking-category-cite-diffing-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags, and these errors are not rendered in the same way in the legacy parser and in Parsoid. |
Stranice s greškama u referencama (1.018 S) | cite-tracking-category-cite-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags. |
Pages that use extended references (prazno) | cite-tracking-category-ref-extends | Pages in this category use the "extends" attribute of the <ref> tag. |
Stranice s greškama u isticanju sintakse (1 S) | syntaxhighlight-error-category | Došlo je do greške pri pokušaju da se istakne kôd koji je uključen na stranici. |
Pages using deprecated enclose attributes (prazno) | syntaxhighlight-enclose-category | The syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated enclose syntax. |
Pages using deprecated source tags (1 S) | syntaxhighlight-source-category | The syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated source tags. |
Pages using deprecated categorytree parameters (prazno) | categorytree-deprecation-category | The page uses deprecated categorytree parameters like onlyroot . |
Pages transcluding nonexistent sections (5 S) | lst-invalid-section-category | The page uses a #lst or #lsth parser function that references a section that doesn't exist on the given page. |
Pages using deprecated score attributes (1 S) | score-deprecated-category | These pages use options provided by the Score extension which are deprecated. These are: "override_audio", "override_ogg", and "override_midi". |
Pages using the Score extension (32 S) | score-use-category | These pages use the Score extension. |
Pages with score rendering errors (prazno) | score-error-category | There was an error while rendering the score. |
TemplateStyles stylesheets with errors (prazno) | templatestyles-stylesheet-error-category | The TemplateStyles stylesheet has an error. |
Pages with TemplateStyles errors (1 S) | templatestyles-page-error-category | There was an error when processing a <templatestyles/> tag on the page. |
MassMessage delivery lists (prazno) | massmessage-list-category | The page is a delivery list for the MassMessage extension. |
Datoteke bez mašinski čitljive licence (974 D) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-license | The file does not have any machine-readable license template. |
Datoteke bez mašinski čitljivog opisa (1.607 D) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-description | The file does not have a machine-readable information template, or its description field is not filled out. |
Datoteke bez mašinski čitljivog autora (1.094 D) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-author | The file does not have a machine-readable information template, or its author field is not filled out. |
Datoteke bez mašinski čitljivog izvora (1.093 D) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-source | The file does not have a machine-readable information template, or its source field is not filled out. |
Files with no machine-readable patent (prazno) | commonsmetadata-trackingcategory-no-patent | The file does not have a machine-readable patent template. |
Pages with math errors (2 S) | math-tracking-category-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of math tags. |
Pages with math render errors (2 S) | math-tracking-category-render-error | Pages in this category have rendering errors in the math tags. |
Pages that use a deprecated format of the chem tags (5 S) | math-tracking-category-mhchem-deprecation | Pages in this category use a deprecated format of the chem tags |
Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tags (6 S) | math-tracking-category-texvc-deprecation | Pages in this category use a deprecated format of the math tags |
Pages using babel with named parameters (prazno) | babel-template-params-category | The page passes a name=value parameter to the #babel parser function. The behavior of these parameters may change in the near future. |
Pages with malformed coordinate tags (7 S) | geodata-broken-tags-category | The page has a malformed {{#coordinates:}} tag. |
Pages with unknown globe value (prazno) | geodata-unknown-globe-category | The page uses an unknown value of the globe parameter for coordinates. |
Pages with invalid region value (prazno) | geodata-unknown-region-category | The page uses an invalid value of the region parameter for coordinates. |
Pages with unknown type of coordinates (prazno) | geodata-unknown-type-category | The page uses an unknown value of the type parameter for coordinates. |
Kategorija je onemogućena | discussiontools-comments-before-first-heading-category | The discussion page contains comments in the lede section (before first heading). This may cause the lede or the comments to be displayed incorrectly, especially in the mobile version and in mobile apps. |
Pages with script errors (60 S) | scribunto-common-error-category | There was an error when processing the modules included on the page. |
Scribunto modules with errors (prazno) | scribunto-module-with-errors-category | The module has an error in it. |
Stranice s nepregledanim prevodom (37 S) | cx-unreviewed-translation-category | Pages translated with the Content Translation tool that contain a high amount of unreviewed content |
Pages with unresolved properties (prazno) | unresolved-property-category | This category lists pages that reference Wikipodaci properties that cannot be found neither by their property ID nor label. |
Preusmjerenja povezana sa stavkom na Wikipodacima (310 S) | connected-redirect-category | This category lists redirect pages that are connected to a Wikipodaci item. |
Pages with too many Wikipodaci entities accessed (prazno) | exceeded-entity-limit-category | This category lists pages with too many Wikipodaci entities accessed. |
Pages using the JsonConfig extension (84 S) | jsonconfig-use-category | These pages use the mw.ext.data.get method provided by the JsonConfig extension. The mw.ext.data.get method is considered expensive. |
Stranice koje koriste proširenje Kartographer (41 S) | kartographer-tracking-category | The page includes a map |
Stranice s pokvarenim kartama (prazno) | kartographer-broken-category | The page includes an invalid map usage |
Pages using the Phonos extension (81 S) | phonos-tracking-category | The page uses the Phonos extension. |
Pages with Phonos rendering errors (prazno) | phonos-error-category | There was an error while rendering Phonos. |
Stranice s grafikonima (20 S) | graph-tracking-category | Ova stranica sadrži oznaku <graph> . |
Pages with disabled graphs (20 S) | graph-disabled-category | The page includes a <graph> tag, which is temporarily not available (T334940). |
Stranice koje koriste čarobne linkove za ISBN (776 S, 4 D) | magiclink-tracking-isbn | This page uses ISBN magic links. See mediawiki.org on how to migrate. |
Pages using RFC magic links (20 S) | magiclink-tracking-rfc | This page uses RFC magic links. See mediawiki.org on how to migrate. |
Pages using PMID magic links (196 S) | magiclink-tracking-pmid | This page uses PMID magic links. See mediawiki.org on how to migrate. |