Korisnik:ReyBrujo/Dumps/20070402/Sites linked more than 10 times
Sites linked more than 10 times
urediSites linked more than 10 times as of April 02, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.
Link count | Site |
2842 | http://bs.wikipedia.org |
250 | http://www.iana.org |
203 | http://www.imdb.com |
109 | http://www.theoi.com |
66 | http://www.un.org |
61 | http://www.apple.com |
56 | http://tools.wikimedia.de |
42 | http://en.wikipedia.org |
41 | http://www.maicar.com |
41 | http://www.geocities.com |
40 | http://www.postbeeld.com |
32 | http://homepage.mac.com |
32 | http://news.bbc.co.uk |
32 | http://www.yale.edu |
29 | http://cfa-www.harvard.edu |
29 | http://www.nba.com |
25 | ftp://ftp.lowell.edu |
22 | http://spiff.rit.edu |
22 | http://www.allmusic.com |
22 | http://www.aneks8komisija.com.ba |
21 | http://www.bhdani.com |
20 | http://www.amazon.com |
18 | http://www.usa-presidents.info |
18 | http://www.ffzg.hr |
17 | http://groups.yahoo.com |
17 | http://www.newadvent.org |
16 | http://filozofija.differentia.co.yu |
16 | http://plato.stanford.edu |
16 | http://imdb.com |
16 | http://www.hardwarebase.net |
16 | http://osvids.com |
15 | http://www.seds.org |
15 | http://www.gutenberg.org |
15 | http://www.glyphweb.com |
15 | http://www.gutenberg.net |
15 | http://www.microsoft.com |
15 | http://www.europa.eu |
14 | http://www.konverter-jedinica.com |
14 | http://www.gnu.org |
14 | http://nobelprize.org |
14 | http://www.auuuu.org |
13 | http://www.bih-x.com |
12 | http://www.pbs.org |
12 | http://kvaleberg.com |
12 | http://www.whitehouse.gov |
12 | http://www.youtube.com |
11 | http://www.cia.gov |
11 | http://www.britannica.com |
11 | http://www.rastko.org.yu |
11 | http://www.rottentomatoes.com |
11 | http://www.xs4all.nl |
11 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com |
10 | http://www.most.ba |
10 | http://www.ecuadors.org |
10 | http://astro.fdst.hr |
10 | http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov |
10 | http://forum.linux.org.ba |
10 | http://enciclopedia.thefreedictionary.com |
10 | http://www.w3.org |
10 | http://www.guardian.co.uk |
10 | http://www.nobel.se |
10 | http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu |
10 | http://www.ubuntu.com |