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== Biotehnologija ==
[[SlikaDatoteka: Bioluminiscentni-duhan.jpg|thumb|left|250x250px250px|Autoluminograf biljke [[duhan]]a, koja je [[genetičko inženjerstvo|genetički modificirana]] za [[ekspresija gena|ekspresiju gena]] za luciferazu, prvi je transgeni [[eukariot]]ski organizam koji emitira svjetlost.|alt=]]
=== Biologija i medicina ===
Bioluminiscentni organizmi su meta za mnoga područja istraživanja. Luciferazni sistemi se široko koriste u [[genetskom inženjeringu]] kao [[reporterski gen]], a svaki proizvodi drugačiju boju fluorescencijom,fluoriscencijom.<ref name="reporter">{{cite journal |author1=Koo, J. |author2=Kim, Y. |author3=Kim, J. |author4=Yeom, M. |author5=Lee, I. C. |author6=Nam, H. G. | date=2007 | title=A GUS/Luciferase Fusion Reporter for Plant Gene Trapping and for Assay of Promoter Activity with Luciferin-Dependent Control of the Reporter Protein Stability | journal=Plant and Cell Physiology | volume=48 | issue=8 | pages=1121–31 | doi=10.1093/pcp/pcm081 | pmid=17597079}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author1=Nordgren, I. K. |author2=Tavassoli, A. | date=2014 | title=A bidirectional fluorescent two-hybrid system for monitoring protein-protein interactions | journal=Molecular BioSystems | volume=10 | issue=3 | pages=485–490 | doi=10.1039/c3mb70438f | pmid=24382456| url=http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2014/mb/c3mb70438f }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |pages=380–7 |doi=10.1128/AAC.49.1.380-387.2005 |title=Real-Time in Vivo Bioluminescent Imaging for Evaluating the Efficacy of Antibiotics in a Rat Staphylococcus aureus Endocarditis Model |year=2004 |last1=Xiong |first1=Yan Q. |last2=Willard |first2=Julie |last3=Kadurugamuwa |first3=Jagath L. |last4=Yu |first4=Jun |last5=Francis |first5=Kevin P. |last6=Bayer |first6=Arnold S. |journal=Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy |volume=49 |pmid=15616318 |issue=1 |pmc=538900}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last=Di Rocco |first=Giuliana |author2=Gentile, Antonietta |author3=Antonini, Annalisa |author4=Truffa, Silvia |author5=Piaggio, Giulia |author6=Capogrossi, Maurizio C. |author7= Toietta, Gabriele |title=Analysis of biodistribution and engraftment into the liver of genetically modified mesenchymal stromal cells derived from adipose tissue |journal=Cell Transplantation |date=1. 9. 2012 |volume=21 |issue=9 |pages=1997–2008 |doi=10.3727/096368911X637452 |pmid=22469297|url=http://opendepot.org/2024/1/DiRocco2012.pdf }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |pages=2445–51 |doi=10.1096/fj.07-103713 |url=http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/541186/ |title=Antivascular effects of combretastatin A4 phosphate in breast cancer xenograft assessed using dynamic bioluminescence imaging and confirmed by MRI |year=2008 |last1=Zhao |first1=Dawen |last2=Richer |first2=Edmond |last3=Antich |first3=Peter P. |last4=Mason |first4=Ralph P. |journal=The FASEB Journal |volume=22 |issue=7 |pmid=18263704|pmc=4426986}}</ref> Naprimjer, gen luciferaze krijesnica korišten je već 1986. za istraživanje na biljkama transgenih linija duhana.<ref>{{cite news | title=Transient and stable expression of the firefly luciferase gene in plant cells and transgenic plants |author1=Ow, D.W. |author2=Wood, K.V. |author3=DeLuca, M. |author4=de Wet, J.R. |author5=Helinski, D.R. |author6=Howell, S.H. | journal=Science | volume=234 | issue=4778 | pages=856 | issn=0036-8075 | year=1986 | publisher=American Association for the Advancement of Science | doi=10.1126/science.234.4778.856|bibcode=1986Sci...234..856O }}</ref>
'' Vibrio'' simbioza bakterija sa morskim [[beskičmenjaci]]ma, poput ''[[Euprymna skolopascolopes]]'' (''Euprymna scolopes''), supredstavljaju ključni suključne [[model organizam|eksperimentalne modele]] za bioluminiscenciju.<ref name="The first engagement of partners in">{{cite journal |author1=Altura, M.A. |author2=Heath-Heckman, E.A. |author3=Gillette, A. |author4=Kremer, N. |author5=Krachler, A.M. |author6=Brennan, C. |author7=Ruby, E.G. |author8=Orth, K. |author9=McFall-Ngai, M.J. | title=The first engagement of partners in the Euprymna scolopes-Vibrio fischeri symbiosis is a two-step process initiated by a few environmental symbiont cells | journal=Environmental Microbiology | date=2013 | doi=10.1111/1462-2920.12179 | pmid=23819708 | pmc=3937295 | volume=15 |issue=11 | pages=2937–50}}</ref><ref name="University of Wisconsin-Madison">{{cite web |title=Comprehensive Squid-Vibrio Publications List |url=http://labs.medmicro.wisc.edu/mcfall-ngai/allpublications.html |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141019165545/http://labs.medmicro.wisc.edu/mcfall-ngai/allpublications.html |url-status=dead |archive-date=19. 10. 2014 |publisher=University of Wisconsin-Madison |df=dmy-all }}</ref> [[Bioluminiscentno aktivirano uništenje]] je eksperimentalnoproces liječenjeeksperimentalnog liječenja [[kancer]]a.<ref>{{cite web |author=Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research |title=Firefly Light Helps Destroy Cancer Cells; Researchers Find That The Bioluminescence Effects Of Fireflies May Kill Cancer Cells From Within |url=https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/04/030421084227.htm |publisher=Science Daily |accessdate=4. 12. 2014 |date=21. 4. 2003}}</ref> (Vidi također: ''[[optogenetika]]'', koja uključuje upotrebu svjetlosti za kontrolu ćelija u živom tkivu, obično neurona, koji su genetski modificirani da izraze ionske kanale osjetljive na svjetlost, a također pogledajte; ''[[biofoton]]'', foton netermalnog porijekla u vidljivom i ultraljubičastom spektru koji se emitira iz biološkog sistema.)<ref name="The first engagement of partners in"/><ref name="University of Wisconsin-Madison"/>
=== Proizvodnja svjetla ===
[[Industrijski dizajn]]eri istražuju strukture [[fotofor]]a, u organima koji stvaraju svjetlost u bioluminiscentnim organizmima. Konstruirana bioluminiscencija možda bi se jednog dana mogla iskoristiti za smanjenje potrebe za uličnom rasvjetom ili za dekorativne svrhe, ako postane moguće proizvesti svjetlost koja je dovoljno jaka i može se održati dugo vremena, a uz to poje izvodljivojfinansijski cijeniekonomična.<ref name=Economist>{{cite news |title=How illuminating |url=http://www.economist.com/node/18304146 |publisher=The Economist | date=10. 3. 2011 |accessdate=6. 12. 2014}}</ref><ref name=QandA>[http://siobiolum.ucsd.edu/Biolum_q&a.html Bioluminescence Questions and Answers]. Siobiolum.ucsd.edu. Retrieved on 20 October 2011.</ref><ref>(4 May 2013) [https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21829156.500-one-per-cent.html One Per Cent: Grow your own living lights] The New Scientist, Issue 2915, Retrieved 7 May 2013</ref> Gen koji kod insekata-svjetlaca čini zadak sjajnim dodandodat je biljkama. Kada se dotaknu, biljke blistaju sat vremena, ali potrebna je osjetljiva kamera da bi se sjaj vidio.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/751069.stm Dr. Chris Riley, "Glowing plants reveal touch sensitivity", BBC 17 May 2000.]</ref>
Univerzitet Wisconsin–Madison istražuje upotrebu [[genetičko inženjerstvo|genetički izmijenjenih]] bioluminiscentnih ''[[Escherichia coli]]'', da bi se upotrebileupotrijebile kao [[bakterije|bioluminiscentne bakterije]] u [[sijalica]]ma.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://news.discovery.com/tech/alternative-power-sources/bacteria-powered-light-bulb-is-electricity-free-130815.htm |title=Bacteria-Powered Light Bulb Is Electricity-Free |date=15. 8. 2013 |author=Nic Halverson}}</ref>
U 2011. Kompanija [[Philips]] pokrenula je [[mikrob]]ni sistem za ambijentalno osvjetljenje u kući.<ref>{{cite web |author=Swaminathan, Miep |url=http://www.philips.com/a-w/about/news/archive/design/news/press/2011/Philips_launches%20_Microbial_Home_new_forward_looking_design_concepts.html |title=Philips launches 'Microbial Home' new forward looking design concepts |accessdate=8. 5. 2017 }}{{dead link|date=januar 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Cha, Bonnie |url=https://www.cnet.com/news/philips-bio-light-creates-mood-lighting-with-bacteria/ |title=Philips Bio-light creates mood lighting with bacteria |date=28. 11. 2011}}</ref>
Tim [[Međunarodna genetičkoinženjerska mašina|iGEM]] iz Cambridgea (Engleska) počeo je rješavati problem šta luciferin troši u reakciji stvaranja svjetla, razvijajući genetički dio biotehnologije kodiranja za enzim koji regenerira luciferin iz svjetlaca Sjeverne Amerike; ovaj enzim "pomaže u jačanju i održavanju svjetlosne snage''".<ref>{{cite web |title=E.glowli Cambridge: Parts submitted |url=http://2010.igem.org/Team:Cambridge/BioBricks |publisher=iGEM |accessdate=6. 12. 2014}}</ref>
Godine 2016., [[francuska]] kompanija ''"Glowee''" započela je prodaju bioluminiscentnih lampica, (za izlogeosvjetljavanje izloga prodavnica i gradsko ulično osvjetljavanje,osvjetljenje) kao glavnim tržištem.<ref name="Glowee">{{cite news |last1=Marcellin |first1=Frances |title=Glow-in-the-dark bacterial lights could illuminate shop windows 2016 |work=New Scientist |date=26. 2. 2016}}</ref> Međutim, Francuska ima zakon koji zabranjuje trgovcima i uredima da osvjetljuju prozore između 011 i 077 sati ujutro kako bi se smanjila potrošnja energije i zagađenje.<ref name="EDF">{{cite web |title=Glowee: A vision of night-time lighting |url=http://pulse.edf.com/en/glowee-a-vision-of-night-time-lighting |website=EDF Pulse |publisher=Electricite de France |accessdate=4. 3. 2016 |date=2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url=https://www.newscientist.com/article/2078921-glow-in-the-dark-bacterial-lights-could-illuminate-shop-windows/ |title=Glow-in-the-dark bacterial lights could illuminate shop windows |date=26. 2. 2016 |work=New Scientist}}</ref> Glowee se nadao da će njihov proizvod zaobići ovu zabranu. Koristili su bakterije zvane '' [[Aliivibrio fischeri]]'' koje blistaju u mraku, ali maksimalni životni vijek njihovog proizvoda je bio tri dana.<ref name="Glowee"/>
== Također pogledajte==