Razlika između verzija stranice "Treća moždana komora"

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[[Datoteka:Slide9qq.JPG|mini|350px|Treća moždna komora]]
'''Treća komora''' ([[latinski jezik|lat.]] ''ventriculus tertius'') je jedna od četiri povezane šupljine [[komorski sistem|komorskog sistema]] u ljudskom [[mozak|mozgu]]. To je središnji rascijep u [[međumozak|međumozgu]] između dva [[talamus|talamusna dijela]], ispunjena [[likvor|moždanom tekućinom]].
Nalazi se u srednjoj liniji, između lijeve i desne [[močna komora|bočne komore]]. Prolaz kroz treću komoru je [[interthalamska adhezija]], koja sadrži talamske [[neuron]]e i [[akson|vlakna]] za povezivanje i dva [[talamus]]a.<ref>Pritchard T. E., Alloway D. (1999): Medical neuroscience. Hayes Barton Press, {{ISBN |978-1-59377-200-0}}:http://books.google.com/books/about/Medical_neuroscience.html?id=m7Y80PcFHtsC.</ref><ref>Butler A. B., Hodos W. (2005): Comparative vertebrate neuroanatomy: evolution and adaptation. Wiley-Blackwell, {{ISBN |978-0-471-21005-4}}: http://books.google.com/?id=3nO6ggvV1PUC&dq=%22Comparative+vertebrate+neuroanatomy:+evolution+and+adaptation%22.</ref>
== Struktura ==
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*[[epifizno udubljenje]] (vire u peteljci u [[epifiza|epifize]]
U tijelu treće komore je vidljiv mali otvor za odljevaanje iz sistema moždanih komora. Ovo je formirano tamo gdje se spajaju dva talamusa zajedno u [[međutalamska adhezija|međutalamskoj adheziji]] (koja se ne vidi u svih ljudi).<ref>Hall J. E., Guyton A. C. (2006): Textbook of medical physiology, 11th edition. Elsevier Saunders, St. Louis, Mo, {{ISBN |0-7216-0240-1}}.</ref><ref>Warrell D. A., Cox T. M., Firth J. D. (2010): [http://otm.oxfordmedicine.com/ The Oxford Textbook of Medicine] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120321002102/http://otm.oxfordmedicine.com/ |date=21 Mart 2012 }} (5th ed.). Oxford University Press</ref><ref>Greenstein B., Greenstein A. (2002): Color atlas of neuroscience – Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Thieme, Stuttgart – New York, {{ISBN |9783131081711}}.</ref><ref>Naidich T. P., Duvernoy H. M., Dalman B. N., Sorensen A. G., Kollias S. S., Haacke E. M. (2009): Duvernoy's atlas of the human brain stem and cerebellum. Springer, WienNewYork, {{ISBN |978-3-211-73970-9}}.</ref><ref>England M. A., Wakely J. (2005): Color atlas of the brain and spinal cord, 2nd Ed. Mosby, ISBN 13:978-0323036672; ISBN 10:032-3036678.</ref>
== Klinički značaj ==
Pod treće komore formira hipotalamusna struktura, gdje se može obaviti otvorena [[hirurgija|hirurški]] zahvat između [[radavičasti organ|bradavičastim organima]] i [[hipofiza|hipofize]] u postupku koji se naziva [[endoskopska treća ventrikulostomija]]. Operacija se može preporučiti, kako bi se oslobodilla dodatna tekućina uzrokovana [[hidrocefalus]]om.
U nekoliko istraživanja pronađeni su dokazi da je proširenje moždanih komora može biti povezano s velikim [[biologija depresije|depresijijama]], a posebno proširenjem treće komore.<ref>{{Cite journal|first1=C.A.|last1=Hendrie|first2=A.R.|last2=Pickles|title=Depression as an evolutionary adaptation: Implications for the development of preclinical models|url=http://www.academia.edu/1145742/Depression_as_an_evolutionary_adaptation_Implications_for_the_development_of_preclinical_models|journal=Medical Hypotheses|year=2009|volume=72|pages=342–347|accessdate=September 25,. 9. 2013|doi=10.1016/j.mehy.2008.09.053|pmid=19153014}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|first1=C.A.|last1=Hendrie|first2=A.R.|last2=Pickles|title=Depression as an evolutionary adaptation: Anatomical organisation around the third ventricle|url=http://www.academia.edu/1145735/Depression_An_Evolutionary_Adaptation_Organised_Around_the_Third_Ventricle|journal=Medical Hypotheses|year=2010|volume=74|pages=735–740|accessdate=September 25,. 9. 2013|doi=10.1016/j.mehy.2009.10.026|pmid=19931308}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|first=Yvette|last=Sheline|title=Neuroimaging studies of mood disorder effects on the brain|url=http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223%2803%2900347-0/abstract|journal=Biological Psychiatry|volume=54|pages=338–352|date=August 2003|accessdate=September 25,. 9. 2013|doi=10.1016/s0006-3223(03)00347-0|pmid=12893109}}</ref> These observations are interpreted as indicating a loss of neural tissue in brain regions adjacent to the enlarged ventricle, leading to suggestions that [[cytokine]]s and related mediators of [[neurodegeneration]] may play a role in giving rise to the disease.<ref>{{Cite journal|first1=Husseini K.|last1=Manji|first2=Jorge A.|last2=Quiroz|first3=Jonathan|last3=Sporn|first4=Jennifer L.|last4=Payne|first5=Kirk|last5=Denicoff|first6=Neil A.|last6=Gray|first7=Carlos A.|last7=Zarate Jr.|first8=Dennis S.|last8=Charney|title=Enhancing neuronal plasticity and cellular resilience to develop novel, improved therapeutics for difficult-to-treat depression|url=http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223%2803%2900117-3/abstract|volume=53|pages=707–742|date=April 2003|accessdate=September 25,. 9. 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Miller |first1=A. H.|last2= Maletic|first2= V. |last3=Raison |first3=C. L. | year = 2009 | title = Inflammation and its discontents: the role of cytokines in the pathophysiology of major depression | url = | journal = Biological Psychiatry | volume = 65 | issue = 9| pages = 732–741 | doi=10.1016/j.biopsych.2008.11.029 | pmid=19150053}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Raison |first1=C. L.|last2= Capuron |first2=L.|last3= Miller|first3= A. H. | year = 2006 | title = Cytokines sing the blues: inflammation and the pathogenesis of depression | url = | journal = Trends in Immunology | volume = 27 | issue = 1| pages = 24–31 | doi=10.1016/j.it.2005.11.006 | pmid=16316783 | pmc=3392963}}</ref>
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