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Red 62:
Evolucija [[sjemenjača]], a kasnije cvjetnica čini se da je rezultat događanja dva različita kruga [[Polipolploidija | dupliranja cijelih genoma]].<ref name="Jiao2011">{{cite journal | doi = 10.1038/nature09916 | title = Ancestral polyploidy in seed plants and angiosperms | year = 2011 | last1 = Jiao | first1 = Yuannian | last2 = Wickett | first2 = No4rman J. | last3 = Ayyampalayam | first3 = Saravanaraj | last4 = Chanderbali | first4 = André S. | last5 = Landherr | first5 = Lena | last6 = Ralph | first6 = Paula E. | last7 = Tomsho | first7 = Lynn P. | last8 = Hu | first8 = Yi | last9 = Liang | first9 = Haiying |displayauthors=4| journal = Nature | volume = 473 | issue = 7345 | pages = 97–100 | pmid = 21478875 }}</ref>Ovo se dogodilo na razini 319 i 192 [[hromosom]]a. Drugi mogući događaj dupliranja dcijelog [[genom]]a je vjerovatno bio na 160. Možda je stvorio liniju predaka koji su doveli do svih modernih cvjetnica.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Ewen Callaway | title = Shrub genome reveals secrets of flower power | journal = Nature | issue = | pages = |date=December 2013 | pmid = | doi = 10.1038/nature.2013.14426 | url = http://www.nature.com/news/shrub-genome-reveals-secrets-of-flower-power-1.14426?WT.mc_id=GPL_NatureNews | volume= |bibcode = }}</ref> Taj događaj je proučavan od sekvenciranjem genoma drevne cvjetnice ''[[Amborella trichopoda]] '',<ref>{{cite journal | author = Keith Adams | title = Genomic Clues to the Ancestral Flowering Plant | journal = Science | issue = 6165 | pages = 1456–1457 |date=December 2013 | pmid = | doi = 10.1126/science.1248709 | url = http://www.sciencemag.org/content/342/6165/1456.summary | volume= 342 |bibcode = }}</ref> i direktno je adresiran na Darwinovu '''odvratnu misteriju''' / '''gnusnu misteriju'''.
Najstariji poznati [[fosil|makrofosil]] samouvjereno identifikovan kao angiosperma, '' [[Archaefructus liaoningensis]] '', je datiran na oko prije 125 miliona godina (u periodu [[kreda (period)|kreda]]), <ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Sun | first1 = G. | last2 = Ji | first2 = Q. | last3 = Dilcher | first3 = D.L. | last4 = Zheng | first4 = S. | last5 = Nixon | first5 = K.C. | last6 = Wang | first6 = X. | year = 2002 | title = Archaefructaceae, a New Basal Angiosperm Family | url = http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/296/5569/899?ck=nck&siteid=sci&ijkey=8dZ6zTqF606ps&keytype=ref | journal = Science | volume = 296 | issue = 5569| pages = 899–904 | doi=10.1126/science.1069439 | pmid=11988572 | ref = harv}}</ref> dok se smatra da je polen angiospermi porijeklom iz prije oko 130 miliona godina. Međutim, jedna studija je predložila da je biljka ''[[Schmeissner]]'' iz nrane i srednje [[jura|jure]], tradicijski smatra vrstom [[ginkgo]], što može biti najstarija poznata cvjetnica ili barem bliski srodnik.<ref>{{cite journal|journal=BMC Evolutionary Biology |page=14|year=2007|author=Xin Wing|coauthors=Shuying Duan, Baoyin Geng, Jinzhong Cui and Yong Yang|title=Schmeissneria: A missing link to angiosperms?|doi=10.1186/1471-2148-7-14|volume=7|pmid=17284326|pmc=1805421|ref=harv}}</ref> Pored toga, posrednim hemijskim dokazima je utvrđeno postojanje cvjetnica još prije 250 miliona godina. ''[[Oleanan]]'', [[sekundarni metabolit]] proizveden u mnogim cvjetnicama, pronađena je u [[perm|permskim]] depozitima toga doba, zajedno sa fosilima [[gigantopterid]]a.<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Taylor | first1 = David Winship | last2 = Li | first2 = Hongqi | last3 = Dahl | first3 = Jeremy | last4 = Fago | first4 = Fred J. | last5 = Zinniker | first5 = David | last6 = Moldowan | first6 = J. Michael | title = Biogeochemical evidence for the presence of the angiosperm molecular fossil oleanane in Paleozoic and Mesozoic non-angiospermous fossils | journal = Paleobiology | volume = 32 | page = 179 | year = 2006 | issn = 0094-8373 | doi = 10.1666/0094-8373(2006)32[179:BEFTPO]2.0.CO;2 | issue = 2 | ref = harv}}</ref><ref>[http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/04/010403071438.htm Oily Fossils Provide Clues To The Evolution Of Flowers] — ScienceDaily (April 5, 2001)</ref> Gigantopteride su grupa izumrlih biljaka sjemenjača sa mnogim morfološkim svojstavima cvjetnica, iako se ne zna da li su i same bile cvjetnice.<ref>{{cite journal|first=George O|last=Poinar Jr.|first2=Kenton L|last2=Chambers|first3=Joerg|last3=Wunderlich|title=Micropetasos, a new genus of angiosperms from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber|journal=J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas|volume=7|issue=2|pages=745–750|date=10 December 2013|url=http://brit.org/webfm_send/455|format=PDF|laysummary=http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140103204510.htm|laydate=3 January 2014|access-date=10 Januar 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140105073839/http://brit.org/webfm_send/455|archive-date=5 Januar 2014|url-status=dead}}</ref>
Recentne [[DNK]] analize zasnovane na molekularnoj sistematici<ref>[http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/3405_flower.html NOVA — Transcripts — First Flower] — PBS Airdate: April 17, 2007</ref><ref>{{cite journal | doi = 10.3732/ajb.91.6.997 | title = ''Amborella'' not a "basal angiosperm"? Not so fast | year = 2004 | last1 = Soltis | first1 = D. E. | last2 = Soltis | first2 = P. S. | journal = American Journal of Botany | volume = 91 | issue = 6 | pages = 997–1001 | pmid = 21653455 }}