Razlika između verzija stranice "El-Mensur"

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Napravljeno prevođenjem stranice "Al-Mansur"
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Verzija na dan 28 mart 2017 u 09:19

Šablon:Infobox royaltyEl-Mensur ili Ebu Džafer Abdullah ibn Muhammed el-Mensur (95 AH – 158 AH (714 AD– 6 oktobra 775 OGLAS);[1] arapski: أبو جعفر عبدالله بن محمد المنصور) bio drugi Abasidski Halifa koji je vladao od 136 AH do 158 AH (754 AD – 775 n.e.)[2][3] i naslijedio je svog starijeg brata Abu al-'Abbas al-Saffah. El-Mensur da je generalno smatran za pravi osnivača abasidskog halifata, jedne od najvećih političkih jedinica u historiji svijeta kao i za svoju ulogu u stabilnoj i institucionaliziranoj dinastiji.[4] On je također poznat po osnivanju grada' Madinat al-Salama koji je postao jezgro carskog Bagdada.[5]


El-Mensur je rođen u Abasidskoj porodici nakon njihovog odlaska iz Hidžaza 95 AH (714 N.E.). "Njegov otac, a Muhamed je nesumnjivo bio veliki unuk Abbas b. Sure al-Muttaliba, najmlađeg ujaka Muhameda; njegova majka, kao što je opisano u historijskom izvoru Marokanca Rawd al-Qirtasa iz 14og stoljeća da je jedna Sallama, "Berberska žena rodila njegovog oca." [6] vladao od Zul-Hidže do Zul-Hidže 136 AH - 158 AH (754 n.e. – 775 n.e.). U 762. godini osniva novi glavni grad i palatu Madinat'-es-Selam (grad mira), koja će postati uskoro jezgro glavnog grada Bagdada.[7] El-Mensur je bio zabrinut za čvrstinu njegove vladavine nakon smrti njegovog brata Abu l `Abbas (kasnije poznatom kao kao Saffah). U 754 je pobijedio Abdalah ibn Alija pretenziju za halifat, i u 755 je on naručio atentat na Ebu Muslima. Ebu Muslim je bio oslobođeni rob iz Iranske provincije Horasan koji je bio na čelu Abasidskih vojski donio pobjedu u Trećoj Fitni u 749-750; on je bio podređenik el-Mensuru ali također i neprikosnoveni vladar Irana i Transoksanije (Maveraunnehra). Atentat je rezultat straha el-Mensura za preveliku moć Ebu Muslima koji je mogao da pokrene borbu za prevlast u carstvu i oživi stare iranske carske ambicije. 

Kada je Isa b. Musa, el-Mensurov nasljednik, pao pod sumnju korupcije, el-Mehdi je imenovan u njegovo ime i javno se zakleo na vjernost halifi. Kao i njegov stariji brat Saffah on je želio da ujedini zemlju, pa je se riješio se gotovo kompletno svake oporbe.[nedostaje referenca]

Tokom njegove vladavine, Islamska književnost i učevnjaštvo počinje da doživljava procvat uz podršku Abasidske promocije naučnih istraživanja, a to se najbolje vidi po sponzoriranom prevodilačnom pokretu. el-Mensur je dao sastaviti komitet, uglavnom sastavljen od Asirskih kršćana i bio je osnovan u Bagdadu sa svrhom prevođenja sačuvanih grčkih radova na arapski. Zbog Abasidske orijentacije prema Istoku, mnogi Persijanci počinju da igraju snažnu kulturnu i političku ulogu u carstvu. Ovo je velika razlika naspram prethodne Omejidske epohe, u kojoj ne-Arapi su držani dalje od vlasti i administracije. Shu'ubiya; pokret koji se javlja sa rastom Iranske autonomije je literani pokret među Persijancima koji su izrazili vjeru u superiornost persijske umjetnosti i kulture, i katalizirali pojavu Arapsko-persijskih dijaloga u IX stoljeću.

Godine 756., el-Mensur šalje više od 4.000 Arapskih plaćenika da pomogne Kineze u An Shi Pobuni protiv An Lushana; nakon rata, oni su ostali u Kini.[8][9][10][11][12] Al pjesnik kaže da je se naziva "A-p'u-ch'a-fo":u Kineskim T'ang Analima.[13][14][15][16][17][18][19] [20][21][22][23][24]Šablon:Excessive citations

El-Mensur umro je 775. godine na putu do Meke da obavi hadž. On je pokopan negdje usput u jedan od stotine grobova kako da sakrilo njegovo tijelo od Omejada. Naslijedio ga je njegov sin, el-Mehdi.

Prema broju izvora, Ebu Hanifa-Nu'man (koji je osnovao vlastitu školu kelama) je zatočen od strane el-Mensura. Malik b. Anas, drugi po redu osnivač škole kelama, je bičevan tokom njegove vlasti, ali el-Mensur kaže lično nije odobravao ovo – u stvari, to je bio njegov rođak, tadašnji guverner Medine, koji je  naredio da se ovo. (i kažnjen je za to).[25]


Menkus izdat pod vladavinom Saksonkog kralja Offe od Mercije (757-796), je prepisani zlatni dinar el-Mensura. Kombinira latinski natpis OFFA REX sa arapskom tematikom. Datum A. H. 157 (773-774 CE) je čitljiv.[26] Britanski Muzej.

El-Mesudi u Poljanama Zlata govori o slijepom pjesniku koji u dva navrata čita stihove hvale za Omejade ne shvatajući da je u pitanju  Abasidski; el-Mensur ipak nagrađuje pjesnika za stihove. Još jedna priča opisuje strijelu sa stihovima ugraviranu i perjem blizu vrha koja slijeće blizu el-Mensura; ovih stihovi brzo ga navode da izvede istragu o zatvorenom plemiću iz Hamdana kojeg pušta na slobodu.

Kada el-Mensur umro, trezor halifata je imao preko 600.000 dirhema i četrnaest miliona dinara.[nedostaje referenca]


  1. ^ Al-Souyouti, Tarikh Al-Kholafa'a (The History of Caliphs)
  2. ^ Stanley Lane-Poole, The Coins of the Eastern Khaleefahs in the British Museum
  3. ^ Axworthy, Michael (2008); A History of Iran; Basic, USA; ISBN 978-0-465-00888-9.
  4. ^ The Cambridge History of Islam, volume 1: The Formation of the Islamic World, ed.
  5. ^ The Cambridge History of Islam, volume 1: The Formation of the Islamic World, ed.
  6. ^ World's Great Men of Color vol.
  7. ^ Charles Wendell (1971). "Baghdad: Imago Mundi, and Other Foundation-Lore". International Journal of Middle East Studies. 2.
  8. ^ Oscar Chapuis (1995). A history of Vietnam: from Hong Bang to Tu Duc. Greenwood Publishing Group. str. 92. ISBN 0313296227. Pristupljeno 28 June 2010.
  9. ^ Joseph Mitsuo Kitagawa (2002). The religious traditions of Asia: religion, history, and culture. Routledge. str. 283. ISBN 0700717625. Pristupljeno 28 June 2010.
  10. ^ Bradley Smith, Wango H. C. Weng (1972). China: a history in art. Harper & Row. str. 129. Pristupljeno 28 June 2010.
  11. ^ Hugh D. R. Baker (1990). Hong Kong images: people and animals. Hong Kong University Press. str. 53. ISBN 9622092551. Pristupljeno 28 June 2010.
  12. ^ Charles Patrick Fitzgerald (1961). China: a short cultural history. Praeger. str. 332. Pristupljeno 28 June 2010.
  13. ^ Marshall Broomhall (1910). Islam in China: a neglected problem. LONDON 12 PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS, E.C.: Morgan & Scott, ltd. str. 25, 26. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011.CS1 održavanje: lokacija (link)
  14. ^ Frank Brinkley (1902). China: its history, arts and literature, Volume 2. Volumes 9–12 of Trübner's oriental series. BOSTON AND TOKYO: J.B.Millet company. str. 149, 150, 151, 152. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011. |volume= sadrži dodatni tekst (pomoć)
  15. ^ Frank Brinkley (1904). Japan [and China]: China; its history, arts and literature. Volume 10 of Japan [and China]: Its History, Arts and Literature. LONDON 34 HENRIETTA STREET, W. C. AND EDINBURGH: Jack. str. 149, 150, 151, 152. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011. |volume= sadrži dodatni tekst (pomoć)CS1 održavanje: lokacija (link)
  16. ^ Arthur Evans Moule (1914). The Chinese people: a handbook on China ... LONDON NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, W.C.: Society for promoting Christian knowledge. str. 317. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011.
  17. ^ Herbert Allen Giles (1886). A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East (2 izd.). HONGKONG: Messrs. Lane. str. 141. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011. MAHOMEDANS: IEJ Iej. First settled in China in the Year of the Mission, A.D. 628, under Wahb-Abi-Kabcha a maternal uncle of Mahomet, who was sent with presents to the Emperor. Wahb-Abi-Kabcha travelled by sea to Cantoa, and thence overland to Si-ngan Fu, the capital, where he was well received. The first mosque was built at Canton, where, after several restorations, it still exists. Another mosque was erected in 742, but many of these M. came to China simply as traders, and by and by went back to their own country. The true stock of the present Chinese Mahomedans was a small army of 4,000 Arabian soldiers sent by the Khaleef Abu Giafar in 755 to aid in putting down a rebellion. These soldiers had permission to settle in China, where they married native wives; and three centuries later, with the conquests of Genghis Khan, largo numbers of Arabs penetrated into the Empire and swelled the Mahomedan community.
  18. ^ Herbert Allen Giles (1926). Confucianism and its rivals. Forgotten Books. str. 139. ISBN 1606802488. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011. In 789 the Khalifa Harun al Raschid dispatched a mission to China, and there had been one or two less important missions in the seventh and eighth centuries; but from 879, the date of the Canton massacre, for more than three centuries to follow, we hear nothing of the Mahometans and their religion. They were not mentioned in the edict of 845, which proved such a blow to Buddhism and Nestorian Christianity perhaps because they were less obtrusive in ithe propagation of their religion, a policy aided by the absence of anything like a commercial spirit in religious matters.
  19. ^ Confucianism and its Rivals. Forgotten Books. str. 223. ISBN 145100849X. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011. The first mosque built at Canton, where, after several restorations, it may still be seen. The minaret, known as the Bare Pagoda, to distinguish it from a much more ornamental Buddhist pagoda near by, dates back to 850. There must at that time have been a considerable number of Mahometans in Canton, thought not so many as might be supposed if reliance could be placed on the figures given in reference to a massacre which took place in 879. The fact is that most of these Mahometans went to China simply as traders; they did not intend to settle permanently in the country, and when business permitted, they returned to their old haunts. About two thousand Mussulman families are still to be found at Canton, and a similar number at Foochow; descendants, perhaps, of the old sea-borne contingents which began to arrive in the seventh and eighth centuries. These remnants have nothing to do with the stock from which came the comparatively large Mussulman communities now living and practising their religion in the provinces of Ssŭch'uan, Yünnan, and Kansuh. The origin of the latter was as follows. In A.D. 756 the Khalifa Abu Giafar sent a small army of three thousand Arab soldiers to aid in putting down a rebellion.
  20. ^ Everett Jenkins (1999). The Muslim diaspora: a comprehensive reference to the spread of Islam in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Volume 1 of The Muslim Diaspora (illustrated izd.). McFarland. str. 61. ISBN 0786404310. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011. China • Arab troops were dispatched by Abu Gia- far to China. |volume= sadrži dodatni tekst (pomoć)
  21. ^ Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese empire. str. 295. Pristupljeno 21 May 2013. Nepoznati parametar |dead-url= zanemaren (prijedlog zamjene: |url-status=) (pomoć)
  22. ^ Stanley Ghosh (1961). Embers in Cathay. Doubleday. str. 60. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011. During the reign of Abbassid Caliph Abu Giafar in the middle of the eighth century, many Arab soldiers evidently settled near the garrisons on the Chinese frontier.
  23. ^ Heinrich Hermann (1912). Chinesische Geschichte (jezik: German). D. Gundert. str. 77. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011.CS1 održavanje: nepoznati jezik (link)
  24. ^ Deutsche Literaturzeitung für Kritik der Internationalen Wissenschaft, Volume 49, Issues 27–52. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 1928. str. 1617. Pristupljeno 14 December 2011.
  25. ^ Ya'qubi, vol.
  26. ^ Medieval European Coinage By Philip Grierson p.330

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