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[[Datoteka:BW Fjord an Glameyer Stack 2007-12-15.JPG|thumb|Kontejnerski brod ''BW Fjord'']]
[[Datoteka:Police préparant l'arrivée d'une manifestation.JPG|thumb|Francuska nacionalna policija koristi nekoliko načina transporta, svaki od njih ima svoje prednosti.]]
[[Datoteka:BW Fjord an Glameyer Stack 2007-12-15.JPG|thumb|Ljudi prolaze ispred ''[[BW Group|BW]] Fjorda'']]
'''Transport''' je kretanje ljudi, životinja, tereta i roba općenito sa jednog mjesta na drugo. Vidovi trasporta obuhvataju [[Avijacija|aviotransport]], [[željeznički transport]], cestovni transport, vodeni transport, [[transport cijevima]] i [[svemirski transport]]. Ovo polje se može podijeliti na [[infrastruktura|infrastrukturu]], vozila i poslovne operacije. Transport je od izuzetnog značaja jer on omogućava [[trgovina|trgovinu]] između ljudi, koja je nezamjenjiva za razvoj cjelokupne ljudske civilizacije.
[[Datoteka:Police préparant l'arrivée d'une manifestation.JPG|thumb|Francuska [[Nacionalna policija Francuske|nacionalna policija]] koristi nekoliko načina transporta, svaki sa svojim distinct prednostima.]]'''Transport''' ili '''transportacija''' predstavlja kretanje ljudi, životinja ili dobara sa jednog mjesta na drugo. [[Mediji transporta]] uključuju [[avijacija|zrak]], [[željeznièki promet|željeznicu]], [[cestovni promet|cestu]], [[morski promet|vodu]], [[kablovski transport|kablove]], [[cjevovodni transport|cjevovode]] i [[svemirski transport|svemir]]. Polje može biti podijeljeno u [[infrastruktura|infrastrukturu]], [[vozilo|vozila]] i [[poslovna operacija|operacije]]. Transport je važan jer omogućava trgovinu između ljudi, što je osnova za razvoj [[civilizacija]].
Transportna infrastruktura se sastoji od stalnihodređenog struktura, objekata ibroja instalacija koješto uključujuuključuje puteve[[cesta|ceste]], željezničke pruge[[željeznica|željeznice]], aerodrome[[zračna linija (avijacija)|zračne linije]], plovne[[vodena putevelinija|vodene linije]], kanale[[kanal]]e i [[cjevovodni transport|cjevovode]], avionskekao i terminale, plinovode,kao naftovode,što željezničkesu [[aerodrom]]i, [[vozna stanica|vozne stanice]], [[autobuska stanica|autobuske stanice]], skladišta, kamionskeprevoznički terminaleterminali, depoeskladišta za dopunjavanjepunjenja goriva (uključujući pristaništa i benzinskegasne stanice) i morske luke. Terminali semogu koristebiti korišteni za razmjenuinterchange putnikaof ipassengers robeand kaocargo i za održavanje.
Vozila koja se koristeputuju na ovim transportnim mrežama sumogu raznovrsna.uključivati Ona uključuju[[automobil]]e, automobile[[bicikl]]e, bicikle[[autobus]]e, autobuse[[voz]]ove, vozove[[kamion]]e, kamione[[pedestrian|ljude]], helikoptere[[helikopter]]e, plovilaplovne objekte, [[svemirska letjelica|svemirske letjelice]] i avioneavijaciju. OblastOperacije transportnihse operacijabave uključuje načinnačinom na koji vozilase funkcioniraju,upravlja postavljajuvozilima procedurei zaprocedurama ovupropisanim oblastza kaotu štosvrhu, jeuključujući finansiranje, politike, zakone, pravilazakonitost i sličnopolitiku. U transportnoj industriji, operacije i vlasnicivlasništvo infrastrukture mogu biti pravnajavni ili fizička licaprivatni, državni organi, u zavisnostizavisno od države i načina transporta.
Putnički transport može biti [[javni prijevoz|javni]], gdje operatori omogućavaju servise po rasporedu, ili [[privatni transport|privatni]]. Teretni transport je postao fokusiran na kontejnerizaciju, iako se transport rasutih materijala koristi za velike količine trajnih predmeta. Transport igra važnu ulogu u [[ekonomski rast|ekonomskom rastu]] i [[globalizacija|globalizaciji]], ali većina tipova uzrokuje [[zagađenje zraka]] i [[Korištenje zemlje|zauzima velike zemljine površine]]. Iako je u velikoj mjeri uz subvenciju vlade, dobro planiranje transporta je osnova za pravljenje toka saobraćaja i smanjenja gužvi.
== Način transporta ==
{{Glavni|Način transporta}}
Način transporta je rješenje koje upotrebljava određeni tip vozila, infrastrukture i operacije. Transport osoba ili tereta može uključivati jedan ili nekoliko načina, s tim što se ovaj drugi slučaj zove intermodalni ili multimodalni transport. Svaki način ima svoje prednosti i mahane, te se bira za upotrebu zavisno od troška, mogućnosti i rute.
=== Ljudi ===
{{Glavni|Transport ljudskim pogonom}}
[[Datoteka:Sherpa carrying woods.JPG|thumb|upright|Transport ljudskom snagom ostaje u stalnoj upotrebi u državama u razvoju.]]
Transport ljudskom snagom, oblik [[održivi transport|održivog transporta]], jeste transport ljudi i/ili dobara korištenjem [[čovjek|ljudske]] snage mišića, u obliku [[hodanje|hodanja]], [[trčanje|trčanja]] i [[ljudsko plivanje|plivanja]]. Moderna [[tehnologija]] dopušta [[mašina]]ma upotrebu ljudske snage. Transport ljudskom snagom ostaje popularan iz razloga smanjenja troškova, [[leisure]], [[fizička vježba|fizičkih vježbi]], i [[zaštita okoline|zaštite okoline]]; nekad je to jedini dostupan oblik, posebno u nerazvijenim ili nepristupačnim regijama.
Iako su ljudi u mogućnosti hodati bez infrastrukture, transport može biti poboljšan kroz korištenje cesti, posebno kada ljudi koriste vozila, poput bicikala i [[skejt]]ova. Vozila koja koriste ljudsku snagu također su pravljena za teške uvjete okoline, kao što su snijeg i voda, by [[watercraft rowing]] i [[skijanje]]m; čak se može u ovo ubrojati i zrak pomoću avijacije sa ljudskim pogonom.
=== Životinje ===
{{Glavni|Transport životinjskim pogonom}}
Transport sa životinjskim pogonom jeste korištenje [[radna životinja|radnih životinja]] za premještanje ljudi i dobara. Ljudi mogu jahati neku životinju direktno, koristiti je kao [[tovarna životinja|tovarnu]] za prijenos dobara, ili ih iskoristiti, samostalno ili u timu, da vuku sanke ili vozila s točkovima.
=== Zrak ===
[[Datoteka:Airfrance.a318-100.f-guga.arp.jpg|thumb|[[Air France]] [[Airbus]] [[Airbus A320 porodica|A318]] slijeće na [[Londonski Heathrow aerodrom]].|alt=White jet aircraft coming into land, undercarriage fully extended. Under each wing is a turbofan engine]]
Zrakoplov fiksnih krila, uobičajeno zvan [[avion]], jeste letjelica teža od zraka gdje je kretanje zraka u odnosu sa krilima korišteno da napravi podizanje. Pojam se koristi za razlikovanje ovog od aviona rotacijskih krila, gdje kretanje pomičućih površina relativno na zrak pravi dizanje. Žiroplan je istovremeno sa nepomičnim krilima i rotirajućim krilima. Avion sa fiksnim krilima rangira od malih trenerskih i rekreacijskih zrakoplova do velikih aviokompanija i vojnih teretnih aviona.
Dvije stvari potrebne za zrakoplov su protok zraka preko krila radi [[podizanje (avijacija)|podizanja]] i površina za [[prizemljivanje]]. Većina zrakoplova također zahtijeva [[aerodrom]] sa infrastrukturom radi opravke, obnavljanja, punjenja gorivom i za ukrcavanje i iskrcavanje posade, tereta i putnika. Dok je velika većina zrakoplova sposobna da se spušta na tlo i podiže s tla, neki su u mogućnosti spustiti se na [[led]], [[snijeg]] i mirnu [[voda|vodu]].
Avijacija je druga najbrža metoda transporta, poslije [[raketa|rakete]]. Komercijalni džetovi mogu dostići do 955 km/h, jednomotorni avion 555 km/h. Avijacija je u mogućnosti da brzo transportira ljude i ograničene količine robe preko velikih udaljenosti, ali uzima velike troškove i energiju; za kratke udaljenosti ili za nepristupačna mjesta, [[helikopter]]i se mogu koristiti.<ref>Cooper ''et al.'', 1998: 281</ref> Od 28. aprila 2009. članak iz ''The Guardiana'' bilježi da, "WHO procjenjuje da ima do 500.000 ljudi u avionima u svakom trenutku."<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/8477508 Swine flu prompts EU warning on travel to US]. ''The Guardian.'' April 28, 2009.</ref>
=== Željeznica ===
{{Glavni|Željeznički transport}}
[[Datoteka:NYC Subway R160A 9237 on the E.jpg|thumb|right|[[New York City Subway]] je svjetski najveći [[rapid transit]] sistem po dužini ruta i po broju [[vozna stanica|stanica]].]]
[[Datoteka:ICE1 Schellenberg.jpg|thumb|[[InterCityExpress]], njemački putnički brzi voz|alt=White electric train with red cheatline emerging from tunnel in the countryside]]
Rail transport is where a [[train]] runs along a set of two parallel [[steel]] [[rail tracks#Railway rail|rails]], known as a railway or railroad. The rails are anchored [[perpendicular]] to [[railroad tie|ties]] (or sleepers) of timber, concrete or steel, to maintain a consistent distance apart, or [[rail gauge|gauge]]. The rails and perpendicular beams are placed on a foundation made of concrete, or compressed [[soil|earth]] and [[gravel]] in a bed of ballast. Alternative methods include [[monorail]] and [[maglev (transport)|maglev]].
Voz se sastoji iz jednog ili više povezanih vozila koji operiraju na šinama. Propulzija se obično ostvaruje preko [[lokomotiva|lokomotive]], that hauls a series of unpowered cars, that can carry passengers or freight. The locomotive can be powered by [[steam locomotive|steam]], [[diesel locomotive|diesel]] or by [[electric locomotive|electricity]] supplied by [[railway electrification system|trackside systems]]. Alternatively, some or all the cars can be powered, known as a [[multiple unit]]. Also, a train can be powered by [[horsecar|horses]], [[funicular|cables]], [[gravity]], [[pneumatics]] and [[gas turbine]]s. Railed vehicles move with much less friction than rubber tires on paved roads, making trains more [[Energy conversion efficiency|energy efficient]], though not as efficient as ships.
[[Inter-city rail|Intercity]] trains are long-haul services connecting cities;<ref>Cooper ''et al.'', 1998: 279</ref> modern [[high-speed rail]] is capable of speeds up to {{convert|350|km/h|mph|abbr=on}}, but this requires specially built track. [[Regional rail|Regional]] and [[commuter rail|commuter]] trains feed cities from suburbs and surrounding areas, while intra-urban transport is performed by high-capacity [[tram]]ways and [[rapid transit]]s, often making up the backbone of a city's public transport. Freight trains traditionally used [[box car]]s, requiring manual loading and unloading of the [[cargo]]. Since the 1960s, container trains have become the dominant solution for general freight, while large quantities of bulk are transported by dedicated trains.
=== Cesta ===
{{Glavni|Cestovni transport}}
[[Image:Harborfreeway2.jpg|thumb|[[Harbor Freeway]] je često pretrpana tokom sati gužve u[[Downtown Los Angeles| ]][[Los Angeles|Los Angelesu]].]]
A road is an identifiable [[route number|route]], way or [[trail|path]] between two or more [[location (geography)|places]].<ref Name="Major_Roads_of_the_United_States">{{cite web|title=Major Roads of the United States|publisher=United States Department of the Interior|date = 2006-03-13|url = http://nationalatlas.gov/mld/roadtrl.html|accessdate=24 March 2007}}</ref> Roads are typically smoothed, [[pavement (material)|paved]], or otherwise prepared to allow easy travel;<ref Name="RoadInfrastructureStrategicFrameworkforSouthAfrica">{{cite web|title=Road Infrastructure Strategic Framework for South Africa |publisher=National Department of Transport (South Africa)|date=|url= http://www.transport.gov.za/library/docs/rifsa/infor.html|accessdate=24 March 2007}}</ref> though they need not be, and historically many roads were simply recognizable routes without any formal [[construction]] or [[maintenance, repair and operations|maintenance]].<ref>Lay, 1992: 6–7</ref> In [[urban area]]s, roads may pass through a [[city]] or [[village]] and be named as [[street]]s, serving a dual function as urban space [[easement]] and route.<ref name="difference_between_road_and_street">{{cite web|title=What is the difference between a road and a street?|work=Word FAQ|publisher=Lexico Publishing Group|year=2007|url=http://dictionary.reference.com/help/faq/language/d01.html|accessdate=24 March 2007}}</ref>
Najčešće cestovno vozilo je automobil; putničko vozilo s točkovima koje sa sobom nosi [[automobilski motor|motor]]. Ostali korisnici ceste su [[bus]]evi, [[kamion]]i, [[motocikl]]i, [[bicikl]]i i <s>[[pedestrians]]</s>. Od 2010, bilo je 1.015 milijardi automobila širom svijeta.
Cestovni promet nudi potpunu slobodu korisnicima cesta za prijenos vozila sa jedne lokacije na drugu i sa jedne ceste na drugu prema potrebi i zgodi. Ova fleksibilnost promjena u lokaciji, smjeru, brzini i tajmingu putovanja nije dostupna za ostale načine transporta. Moguće je omogućiti servis vrata-do-vrata jedino cestovnim transportom.
Automobili pružaju visoku fleksibilnost sa malim kapacitetom, ali zahtjevaju visoko korištenje energije i površine, te su glavni izvor [[buka|buke]] i [[zagađenje zraka|zagađenja zraka]] u gradovima; autobusi dopuštaju efikasnije putovanje sa gubitkom na smanjenoj fleksibilnosti.<ref>Cooper ''et al.'', 1998: 278</ref> Cestovni transport kamionima je često početna i krajnja faza <s>freight</s> transporta.
=== Voda ===
{{Glavni|Brodski transport}}
[[Datoteka:Negombo canal 2.jpg|thumb|left|Built by the Dutch to transport spices, now used by the local fishermen to get to the sea, [[Negombo]] Dutch canal, [[Sri Lanka]]]]
[[Datoteka:Jadrolinija supetar ferry.JPG|thumb|Automobile ferry in [[Croatia]]|alt=White ferry with ramps in the up-position, moored at jetty]]
Vodeni transport je kretanje u smislu [[watercraft]] poput [[barka|barke]], [[boat]], [[ship]] ili [[sailboat]] kroz vodenu površinu, poput [[more|mora]], [[okean]]a, [[jezero|jezera]], [[kanal]]a ili [[rijeka|rijeke]]. Potreba za buoyancy je česta za vodeni transport, praveći [[hull (watercraft)|hull]] dominantan aspekt ove konstrukcije, održavanja i izgleda.
U 19. stoljeću prvi <s>[[steam ships]]</s> je razvijen, koristeći <s>[[steam engine]]</s> za vožnju <s>[[paddle wheel]]</s> ili [[propeler]]a za pokretanje broda. The [[steam]] was produced in a [[boiler]] using wood or [[coal]] and fed through a steam [[external combustion engine]]. Now most ships have an [[internal combustion engine]] using a slightly refined type of [[petroleum]] called [[bunker fuel]]. Some ships, such as [[submarine]]s, use [[nuclear power]] to produce the steam. [[Recreation]]al or [[education]]al craft still use wind power, while some smaller craft use internal combustion engines to drive one or more [[propeller]]s, or in the case of jet boats, an inboard water jet. In shallow draft areas, [[hovercraft]] are propelled by large pusher-prop fans. (See [[Marine propulsion]].)
Iako spor, moderni morski transport je visoko efikasna metoda transportiranja velikih količina dobara. Komercijalna vesla, skoro 35.000 u broju, nosila su 7,4&nbsp;milijarde tona robe u 2007. godini.<ref>The [[United Nations Conference on Trade and Development]] (UNCTAD) 2007, p. ''x'' and p. 32.</ref> Transport by water is significantly less costly than air transport for transcontinental [[shipping]];<ref>Stopford, 1997: 4–6</ref> [[short sea shipping]] and [[ferry|ferries]] remain viable in coastal areas.<ref>Stopford, 1997: 8–9</ref><ref>Cooper ''et al.'', 1998: 280</ref>
=== Ostali načini ===
[[Datoteka:Trans-Alaska Pipeline System Luca Galuzzi 2005.jpg|thumb|[[Trans-Alaska Pipeline]] for [[crude oil]]|alt=Oil pipeline winding through cold Alaskan country-side. In the background are mountains, partly snow-capped]]
[[Pipeline transport]] sends goods through a [[pipe (material)|pipe]]; most commonly liquid and gases are sent, but [[pneumatic tube]]s can also send solid capsules using compressed air. For liquids/gases, any chemically stable liquid or gas can be sent through a pipeline. Short-distance systems exist for [[sewage]], [[slurry]], [[water]] and [[beer]], while long-distance networks are used for [[petroleum]] and [[natural gas]].
[[Kablovski transport]] je širok način gdje se vozila pomjeraju [[kabal|kablovima]] umjesto unutarnjim izvorom snage. It is most commonly used at steep [[gradient]]. Tipična rješenja uključuju [[zračni tramvaj]], [[lift]]ove, [[eskalator]]e i [[ski-lift]]ove; neki od ovih su također kategorizirani kao [[conveyor belt|konvejerski]] transport.
[[Space transport|Spaceflight]] is transport out of Earth's atmosphere into [[outer space]] by means of a [[spacecraft]]. While large amounts of research have gone into technology, it is rarely used except to put satellites into orbit, and conduct scientific experiments. However, man has landed on the moon, and probes have been sent to all the planets of the Solar System.
[[Suborbital spaceflight]] is the fastest of the existing and planned transport systems from a place on Earth to a distant other place on Earth. Faster transport could be achieved through part of a [[low Earth orbit]], or following that trajectory even faster using the propulsion of the rocket to steer it.
== Elementi ==
=== Infrastruktura ===
[[Datoteka:GoldenGateBridge BakerBeach MC.jpg|thumb|Bridges, such as [[Golden Gate Bridge]], allow roads and railways to cross bodies of water.]]
Infrastruktura je fiksna instalacija koja dopušta vozilu da operira. Sastoji se od puta, terminala i postrojenja za parkiranje i opravku. Za željeznicu, cjevovode, cestu i kablovski transport, cjelokupan put kojim vozilo putuje mora biti izgrađen. Zračni i vodeni brodovi imaju mogućnost zaobići ovo, jer [[zračna linija]] i [[more|morska linija]] ne trebaju biti napravljene. Ipak, oni zahtjevaju fiksnu infrastrukturu na terminalima.
Terminali kao što su aerodromi, <s>ports</s> i stanice, lokacije su gdje putnici i roba mogu biti prebačeni sa jednog vozila, ili načina transporta, na drugo. Za putnički transport, terminali integriraju različite načine da pruže riders to interchange to take advantage of each mode's advantages. For instance, [[airport rail link]]s connect airports to the city centers and suburbs. The terminals for automobiles are [[parking lot]]s, while buses and coaches can operate from simple stops.<ref>Cooper ''et al.'', 1998: 275–76</ref> For freight, terminals act as [[transshipment]] points, though some cargo is transported directly from the point of production to the point of use.
[[Finansiranje transporta|Finansiranje]] infrastrukture može biti [[vlada|javno]] ili [[privatno preduzeće|privatno]]. Transport je često [[prirodni monopol]] i potreba javnosti; ceste, te u nekim državama željezničke pruge i aerodromi, finansiraju se kroz [[porez]]. Novi projekti infrastrukture mogu imati veliki trošak, te se često finansiraju kroz [[dug]]. Većina vlasnika infrastrukture therefore impose usage fees, such as landing fees at airports, or [[toll plaza]]s on roads. Independent of this, authorities may impose [[tax]]es on the purchase or use of vehicles. Because of poor forecasting and overestimation of passenger numbers by planners, there is frequently a benefits shortfall for transport infrastructure projects.<ref>Bent Flyvbjerg, Mette K. Skamris Holm, and Søren L. Buhl, "How (In)Accurate Are Demand Forecasts in Public Works Projects", ''Journal of the American Planning Association'' '''71''':2, pp. 131–146.</ref>
=== Vozila ===
[[Datoteka:Fiat Uno 3d PICT0113.jpg|thumb|[[Fiat Uno]] u 2008. godini]]
Vozilo je svaki neživi uređaj koji se koristi za pomjeranje ljudi i dobara. Za razliku od infrastrukture, vozilo se pomjera zajedno sa cargo i riders. Unless being pulled by a cable or muscle-power, vozilo mora pružiti vlastitu propulziju; ovo je najčešće rađeno kroz [[steam engine]], [[Internal combustion engine|combustion engine]], [[electric motor]], a [[jet engine]] or a [[rocket]], though other means of propulsion also exist. Vehicles also need a system of converting the energy into movement; this is most commonly done through [[wheel]]s, [[propeller]]s and [[pressure]].
Vozilima najčešće upravlja [[vožnja|vozač]]. Ipak, neki sistemi, kao što su [[people mover]]s and some rapid transits, are fully [[automation|automated]]. For [[passenger]] transport, the vehicle must have a compartment for the passengers. Simple vehicles, such as automobiles, bicycles or simple aircraft, may have one of the passengers as a driver.
=== Operacija ===
[[Datoteka:Incheon International Airport.jpg|thumb|[[Incheon International Airport]], [[Južna Koreja]]|alt=Tilted aerial view of modern airport. Aircraft are parked next to "arms" that extend from the central building]]
Private transport is only subject to the owner of the vehicle, who operates the vehicle themselves. For public transport and freight transport, operations are done through [[private enterprise]] or by [[government]]s. The infrastructure and vehicles may be owned and operated by the same company, or they may be operated by different entities. Tradicionalno, većina država je imala [[flag carrier|nacionalnu zračnu liniju]] i [[railway company|nacionalnu željeznicu]]. Od 1980-tih, većina ovih je bila [[privatizacija|privatizirana]]. Međunarodni shipping ostaje visoko-kompetitivna industrija sa malo regulacije,<ref>Stopford, 1997: 422</ref> ali luke mogu biti javno vlasništvo.<ref>Stopford, 1997: 29</ref>
== Funkcije ==
Premještanje putnika i robe su najčešći načini korištenja transporta. Ipak, postoje i ostale vrste upotrebe, poput strategijske i taktičke [[vojna logistika|relokacije]] [[oružana snaga|oružanih snaga]] tokom [[boj]]išta, ili civilne mobilne konstrukcije ili opreme za hitnu pomoć.
=== Putnici ===
{{Glavni|Putovanje|Javni tranzit}}
[[Datoteka:ACTION Bus-467.jpg|thumb|Lokalni tranzitni bus kojim upravlja [[ACTION]] u [[Canberra|Canberri]], [[Australija]]|alt=Light green, orange and white bus stopping in front of multi-story building.]]
Putnički transport, ili putovanje, podijeljen(o) je u [[javni transport|javni]] i [[privatni transport]]. Javni transport je rasporedni servis na određenim rutama, dok je privatni vozila koja omogućavaju ''ad hoc'' usluge prema želji putnika. Ovaj drugi nudi bolju fleksibilnost, ali manji kapacitet, te veći okolinski utjecaj. Putovanje može biti dio dnevnog [[commuting]], za [[poslovno putovanje|biznis]], [[leisure travel|leisure]] ili [[ljudska migracija|migracije]].
Short-haul transport is dominated by the automobile and mass transit. The latter consists of [[bus]]es in rural and small cities, supplemented with commuter rail, trams and [[rapid transit]] in larger cities. Long-haul transport involves the use of the automobile, trains, [[coach (vehicle)|coaches]] and aircraft, the last of which have become predominantly used for the longest, including intercontinental, travel. [[Intermodal passenger transport]] is where a journey is performed through the use of several modes of transport; since all human transport normally starts and ends with walking, all passenger transport can be considered intermodal. Public transport may also involve the intermediate change of vehicle, within or across modes, at a [[transport hub]], such as a [[bus station|bus]] or [[railway station]].
Taxiji i busevi se mogu naći na oba kraja spektra javnog transporta. Busevi su jeftiniji način transporta, ali nisu bitno fleksibilni, a taksiji su više fleksibilni a skuplji. U sredini je [[demand-responsive transport]], koji nudi i fleksibilnost i isplativost.
[[Međunarodno putovanje]] može biti ograničeno za neke osobe zbog zakonodavstva i [[viza (dokument)|viznih]] zahtjeva.
=== Freight ===
Freight transport, or shipping, is a key in the [[value chain]] in manufacturing.<ref>Chopra and Meindl, 2007: 3</ref> With increased specialization and [[globalization]], production is being located further away from consumption, rapidly increasing the demand for transport.<ref>Chopra and Meindl, 2007: 63–64</ref> While all modes of transport are used for cargo transport, there is high differentiation between the nature of the cargo transport, in which mode is chosen.<ref>Chopra and Meindl, 2007: 54</ref> [[Logistics]] refers to the entire process of transferring products from producer to consumer, including storage, transport, transshipment, warehousing, material-handling and packaging, with associated exchange of information.<ref>Bardi, Coyle and Novack, 2006: 4</ref> [[Incoterm]] deals with the handling of payment and responsibility of [[risk]] during transport.<ref>Bardi, Coyle and Novack, 2006: 473</ref>
[[Datoteka:WCML freight train.jpg|thumb|Teretni voz sa kontejnerima u [[UK]]]]
[[Containerization]], with the standardization of [[ISO container]]s on all vehicles and at all ports, has revolutionized [[international]] and [[domestic trade]], offering huge reduction in [[transshipment]] costs. Traditionally, all cargo had to be manually loaded and unloaded into the haul of any ship or car; containerization allows for automated handling and transfer between modes, and the standardized sizes allow for gains in [[economy of scale]] in vehicle operation. This has been one of the key driving factors in [[international trade]] and globalization since the 1950s.<ref name=bcn21114 />
[[Bulk material handling|Bulk transport]] is common with cargo that can be handled roughly without deterioration; typical examples are [[ore]], coal, cereals and [[petroleum]]. Because of the uniformity of the product, mechanical handling can allow enormous quantities to be handled quickly and efficiently. The low value of the cargo combined with high volume also means that economies of scale become essential in transport, and gigantic ships and whole trains are commonly used to transport bulk. Liquid products with sufficient volume may also be transported by pipeline.
[[Cargo airline|Air freight]] has become more common for products of high value; while less than one percent of world transport by volume is by airline, it amounts to forty percent of the value. Time has become especially important in regards to principles such as [[postponement]] and [[just in time (business)|just-in-time]] within the value chain, resulting in a high willingness to pay for quick delivery of key components or items of high value-to-weight ratio.<ref>Chopra and Meindl, 2007: 328</ref> In addition to mail, common items sent by air include [[electronics]] and [[fashion]] clothing.
== Historija ==
{{Glavni|Historija transporta}}
[[Datoteka:Bullock team.jpg|thumb|[[Cattle|Bullock]] team hauling [[wool]] in [[Australia]]]]
Humans' first means of transport were walking and swimming. The [[domestication]] of animals introduces a new way to lay the burden of transport on more powerful creatures, allowing heavier loads to be hauled, or humans to ride the animals for higher speed and duration. Inventions such as the wheel and sled helped make animal transport more efficient through the introduction of vehicles. Also water transport, including rowed and sailed vessels, dates back to [[time immemorial]], and was the only efficient way to transport large quantities or over large distances prior to the [[Industrial Revolution]].
The first forms of [[road transport]] were [[horse]]s, [[ox]]en or even humans carrying goods over [[dirt]] tracks that often followed [[game (food)|game]] [[trail]]s. Paved roads were built by many early civilizations, including [[Mesopotamia]] and the [[Indus Valley Civilization]]. The [[Persian Empire|Persian]] and [[Roman Empire|Roman]] empires built stone-paved roads to allow armies to travel quickly. Deep roadbeds of crushed stone underneath ensured that the roads kept dry. The medieval [[Caliphate]] later built [[Tarmac|tar-paved]] roads. The first watercraft were [[canoe]]s cut out from [[tree trunk]]s. Early water transport was accomplished with ships that were either rowed or used the [[wind]] for propulsion, or a combination of the two. The importance of water has led to most cities, that grew up as sites for trading, being located on rivers or at sea, often at the intersection of two bodies of water. Until the Industrial Revolution, transport remained slow and costly, and production and consumption were located as close to each other as feasible.
[[Datoteka:First flight2.jpg|thumb|Prvi let [[Braća Wright|braće Wright]] tokom 1903.]]
The [[Industrial Revolution]] in the 19th century saw a number of inventions fundamentally change transport. With [[telegraphy]], communication became instant and independent of transport. The invention of the [[steam engine]], closely followed by its application in rail transport, made land transport independent of human or animal muscles. Both speed and capacity increased rapidly, allowing specialization through manufacturing being located independent of natural resources. The 19th century also saw the development of the [[steam ship]], that sped up global transport.
With the development of the [[Internal combustion engine|combustion engine]] and the automobile at the turn into the 20th century, road transport became more viable, allowing the introduction of mechanical private transport. The first highways were constructed during the 19th century with [[macadam]]. Later, [[tarmac]] and [[concrete]] became the dominant paving material. In 1903, the first controllable [[airplane]] was demonstrated, and after World War I, it became a fast way to transport people and express goods over long distances.<ref>Bardi, Coyle and Novack, 2006: 158</ref>
After World War II, the automobile and airlines took higher shares of transport, reducing rail and water to freight and short-haul passenger.<ref name=cooper277>Cooper ''et al.'', 1998: 277</ref> Scientific spaceflight was launched in the 1950s, with rapid growth until the 1970s, when interest dwindled. In the 1950s, the introduction of [[containerization]] gave massive efficiency gains in freight transport, permitting [[globalization]].<ref name=bcn21114>Bardi, Coyle and Novack, 2006: 211–14</ref> International air travel became much more accessible in the 1960s, with the commercialization of the [[jet engine]]. Along with the growth in automobiles and motorways, this introduced a decline for rail and water transport. After the introduction of the [[Shinkansen]] in 1964, high-speed rail in Asia and Europe started taking passengers on long-haul routes from airlines.<ref name=cooper277 />
Early in [[U.S. history]], most [[Navigable aqueduct|aqueducts]], [[bridge]]s, [[canals]], [[railroads]], [[roads]], and [[tunnels]] were owned by [[privately held company|private]] [[joint-stock]] [[corporations]]. Most such transportation infrastructure came under government control in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, culminating in the [[nationalization]] of inter-city passenger rail service with the creation of [[Amtrak]]. Recently, however, a movement to privatize roads and other infrastructure has gained some ground and adherents.<ref>Clifford Winston, ''Last Exit: Privatization and Deregulation of the U.S. Transportation System'' (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2010).</ref>
{{further2|[[Timeline of transportation technology]]}}
== Utjecaj ==
{{Glavni|Održivi transport}}
=== Ekonomija ===
[[Datoteka:SeattleI5Skyline.jpg|thumb|Transport je ključna komponenta rasta i globalizacije, kao što je to u [[Seattle, Washington|Seattleu, Washington]], [[SAD]].|alt=Skyline of city at dawn. A major highway winds itself into the downtown area.]]
Transport je ključna potreba za [[Departmentalization|specijalizacije]] koja pruža proizvodnju i konzumiranje proizvoda prema različitim lokacijama. Transport je kroz historiju been a spur to expansion; better transport allows more [[trade]] and a greater spread of people. [[Economic growth]] has always been dependent on increasing the capacity and rationality of transport.<ref>Stopford, 1997: 2</ref> But the infrastructure and operation of transport has a great impact on the land and is the largest drainer of energy, making [[transport sustainability]] a major issue.
Moderno društvo diktira fizičkom distinkcijom između kuće i posla, forsirajući ljude da se transportuju na mjesta rada ili studiranja, kao i da se privremeno relociraju za druge dnevne aktivnosti. Putnički transport je također osnova [[turizam|turizma]], velikog dijela [[rekreacija|rekreativnog]] transporta. Commerce requires the transport of people to conduct business, either to allow face-to-face communication for important decisions or to move specialists from their regular place of work to sites where they are needed.
=== Planiranje ===
{{Glavni|Planiranje transporta}}
Planiranje transporta allows for high utilization and less impact regarding new infrastructure. Using models of [[transport forecasting]], planners are able to predict future transport patterns. On the operative level, logistics allows owners of cargo to plan transport as part of the [[supply chain]]. Transport as a field is studied through [[transport economics]], the backbone for the creation of regulation policy by authorities. [[Transport engineering]], a sub-discipline of [[civil engineering]], must take into account [[trip generation]], [[trip distribution]], [[mode choice]] and [[route assignment]], while the operative level is handled through [[traffic engineering (transportation)|traffic engineering]].
[[Datoteka:Old Market Roundabout, Bristol.jpg|thumb|The engineering of this [[roundabout]] in [[Bristol]], United Kingdom, attempts to make traffic flow free-moving.|alt=Aerial view of roundabout, a junction of several streets. Vehicles traverse around the roundabout, which is surrounded by buildings, mostly multi-storey]]
Because of the negative impacts incurred, transport often becomes the subject of controversy related to choice of mode, as well as increased capacity. Automotive transport can be seen as a [[tragedy of the commons]], where the flexibility and comfort for the individual deteriorate the natural and urban environment for all. [[land use|Density of development]] depends on mode of transport, with public transport allowing for better spacial utilization. Good land use keeps common activities close to people's homes and places higher-density development closer to transport lines and hubs, to minimize the need for transport. There are [[economies of agglomeration]]. Beyond transportation some land uses are more efficient when clustered. Transportation facilities consume land, and in cities, pavement (devoted to streets and parking) can easily exceed 20 percent of the total land use. An efficient transport system can reduce land waste.
Too much infrastructure and too much smoothing for maximum vehicle throughput means that in many cities there is too much traffic and many—if not all—of the negative impacts that come with it. It is only in recent years that traditional practices have started to be questioned in many places, and as a result of new types of analysis which bring in a much broader range of skills than those traditionally relied on—spanning such areas as environmental impact analysis, public health, sociologists as well as economists—the viability of the old mobility solutions is increasingly being questioned. European cities are leading this transition.
=== Okolina ===
[[Datoteka:Traffic jam Sao Paulo 09 2006 30.JPG|thumb|[[Traffic congestion]] persists in [[São Paulo]], Brazil despite the no-drive days based on license numbers.|alt=Looking down a busy road, which is banked on both sides by tall buildings, some of which are covered in advertisement billboards]]
{{Glavni|Transport and the environment}}
Transport is a major use of [[energy (society)|energy]] and burns most of the world's [[petroleum]]. This creates air pollution, including [[nitrous oxide]]s and [[particulate]]s, and is a significant contributor to [[global warming]] through emission of [[carbon dioxide]],<ref name = "pnas_pdf">{{cite web|url=http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/0702958104v1.pdf|title=Climate forcing from the transport sectors|author=Fuglestvet et al., [[Center for International Climate and Environmental Research]]|year=2007}}</ref> for which transport is the fastest-growing emission sector.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.worldwatch.org/node/5579|title=Analysis: Nano Hypocrisy?|author=[[Worldwatch Institute]]|date=16 January 2008}}</ref> By subsector, road transport is the largest contributor to global warming.<ref>[http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/0702958104v1.pdf Climate forcing from the transport sectors], Jan Fuglestvedt, Terje Berntsen, Gunnar Myhre, Kristin Rypdal, and Ragnhild Bieltvedt Skeie, January 15, 2008, vol. 105, no. 2, PNAS.org</ref> [[Environmental regulation]]s in developed countries have reduced individual vehicles' emissions; however, this has been offset by increases in the numbers of vehicles and in the use of each vehicle.<ref name="pnas_pdf" /> Neki putevi značajnog smanjenja emisije ugljika cestovnih vozila se izučavaju.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.claverton-energy.com/carbon-pathways-analysis-informing-development-of-a-carbon-reduction-strategy-for-the-transport-sector.html|title=Claverton-Energy.com|publisher=Claverton-Energy.com|date=2009-02-17|accessdate=2010-05-23}}</ref><ref>Data on the barriers and motivators to more sustainable transport behaviour is available in the UK Department for Transport study "[http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/scienceresearch/social/climatechangetransportchoices/ Climate Change and Transport Choices]" published in December 2010.</ref> Energy use and emissions vary largely between modes, causing [[environmentalism|environmentalists]] to call for a transition from air and road to rail and human-powered transport, as well as increased [[transport electrification]] and [[Efficient energy use|energy efficiency]].
Ostali okolinski utjecaji na transportne sisteme uključuju [[traffic congestion]] i automobile-oriented [[urban sprawl]], što uzima prirodna staništa i agrikulturalna tla. Smanjenjem emisija transporta globalno, pretpostavlja se da će se napraviti značajan pozitivan učinak na [[kvalitet zraka]] Zemlje, [[kisela kiša|kisele kiše]], [[smog]] i klimatske promjene.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ec.gc.ca/cleanair-airpur/Transportation-WS800CCAF9-1_En.htm|title=Transportation|author=[[Environment Canada]]|accessdate=30 July 2008}} {{Dead link|date=October 2010|bot=H3llBot}}</ref>
== Također pogledajte ==
* [[Javni transport]]
* [[Okolinski utjecaj avijacije]]
* [[Efikasnost goriva u transportaciji]]
* [[Spisak nadolazećih tehnologija#Transportacija|Spisak nadolazećih transportacijskih tehnologija]]
* [[Outline of transport]]
* [[Wikipedia:Books|Wikipedia Books]]: [[Wikipedia:Books/Transport|Transport]]
* [[IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society]]
* ''[[Journal of Transport and Land Use]]''
== Reference ==
== Literatura ==
* {{cite book|author=Bardi, Edward; John Coyle and Robert Novack|title=Management of Transportation|publisher=Thomson South-Western|year=2006|isbn=0-324-31443-4}}
* {{cite book|author=Chopra, Sunil and Peter Meindl|title=Supply Chain Management|publisher=Pearson|year=2007|isbn=0-13-208608-5}}
* {{cite book|author1=Christopher P. Cooper|author2=Rebecca Shepherd|title=Tourism: Principles and Practice|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=jzpnQgAACAAJ|accessdate=22 December 2012|year=1998|publisher=Financial Times Prent.Int|isbn=978-0-582-31273-9}}
* {{cite book|last=Lay|first=Maxwell G|title=Ways of the World: A History of the World's Roads and of the Vehicles that Used Them|publisher=Rutgers University Press|year=1992|url=http://books.google.com/?id=flvS-nJga8QC&pg=PR3&lpg=PR3&dq=%22Ways+of+the+world%22+Rutgers+University+Press,+New+Brunswick#PPA6,M1 |isbn=0-8135-2691-4}}
* {{cite book|first=Martin|last=Stopford|year=1997|title=Maritime Economics|publisher=Routledge|location=London|isbn=0-415-15310-7}}
== Vanjski linkovi ==
{{commons category}}
* [http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/govpubs/us/trnsprt.htm Transportation] from ''UCB Libraries GovPubs''
* {{dmoz|Science/Technology/Transportation|Transportation}}
* [http://americanhistory.si.edu/onthemove/ America On the Move] An online transportation exhibition from the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
* [http://transport.org World Transportation Organization] The world transportation organization (The Non-Profit Advisory Organization)