Razlika između verzija stranice "Battle City (igra)"

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Battle City sadrži 35 različitih nivoa koji su predstavljeni tablom 13 blokova širokom i 13 blokova dugačkom. Svaka mapa sadrži različite tipove terena i prepreka.
Postojali su zidovi (od cigle) koje su mogli uništavati kako igrači tako i neprijateljski tenkovi. Slijedili su čelični zidovi, neuništivi, osim u slučaju kada bi igrači dobili 3 zvijezde za uvećavanje energije (power-up stars). Zatim zaleđeno tlo po kojem je upravljanje bilo otežano, vodene prepreke preko kojih se tenkovi nisu mogli kretati, te grmlje u kojem su se tenkovi mogli sakriti.
Examples include brick walls that can be destroyed by having either the player's tank or an enemy tank shoot at them, steel walls that can be destroyed by the player if he has collected three or more power-up stars, bushes that hide tanks under them, ice fields that make it difficult to control tank and pools of water which cannot be crossed by tanks. There are four progressively harder types of enemy tanks. The game becomes more challenging in later levels, as enemy tanks may act as decoys to lure players away from their base so that another tank can destroy it. In addition, flashing tanks could be destroyed for power-ups. There are several types of power-ups: tank symbol gives an extra life, star improves player's tank, bomb destroys all visible enemy tanks, clock freezes all enemy tanks for a period of time, shovel adds steel walls around the base for a period of time and shield makes player's tank undestroyable for a while.
Neprijatelj je posjedovao četiri vrste tenkova različite snage i brzine. U kasnijim nivoima neprijatelji su čekali igrače da se udalje od baze da bi ih uništili, umjesto da besciljno lutaju tablom.
In addition, flashing tanks could be destroyed for power-ups. There are several types of power-ups: tank symbol gives an extra life, star improves player's tank, bomb destroys all visible enemy tanks, clock freezes all enemy tanks for a period of time, shovel adds steel walls around the base for a period of time and shield makes player's tank undestroyable for a while.
Battle City was also one of the first games to allow two players to play simultaneously. Both players have to defend the base together, and if one player shoots the other, the victim would freeze for a while.