Spisak epizoda "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX-a"

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Spisak svih epizoda Yu-Gi-Oh! GX-a

Prva sezona uredi

Prva sezona se sastoji iz 52 epizode i glavna radnja prve sezone je borba protiv Jahača sjena

Naziv epizode Prijevod Broj epizode
The Next King of Games Sljedeći kralj Igre 01
Welcome to Duel Academy Dobrodošao na Akademiju Dvoboja 02
A Duel in Love Ljubavni dvoboj 03
Making the Grade Prolaženje razreda 04
The Shadow Duelist(Part 1) Igrač Sjene (dio 1) 05
The Shadow Duelist(Part 2) Igrač Sjene(dio 2) 06
Duel and Unusual Punishment Dvoboj i neobična kazna 07
For the Sake of Syrus Za ime Sajrusa 08
Family Busieness Porodična Posla 09
Tag Team Trial(Part 1) Timsko iskušenje (dio 1) 10
Tag Team Trial(Part 2) Timsko iskušenje (dio 2) 11
Formula for Success Formula za uspjeh 12
Monkey See,Monkey Duel Što majmun vidi, majmun-dvoboj 13
A Spirit Summonned Duh je prizvan 14
Courting Alexis Udvaranje Alexis 15
The Duel Giant Dvoboj-div 16
Nature of the Draw Priroda izvlačenja (karte) 17
The King of Copycats(Part 1) Kralj oponašanja(dio 1) 18
The King of Copycats(Part 2) Kralj oponašanja(dio 2) 19
The Maiden in Love Zaljubljena Djeva 20
The Duel Off(Part 1) Dvoboj-okršaj (dio 1) 21
The Duel Off(Part 2) Dvoboj-okršaj(dio 2) 22
The Little Belowski Mali Belowski 23
The New Chazz Novi Čez 24
The School Duel(Part 1) Školski Dvoboj(dio 1) 25
The School Duel(Part 2) Školski Dvoboj(dio 2) 26
Grave Risk(Part 1) Rizik od groba 27
Grave Risk(Part 2) Rizik od groba 28
Doomsday Duel(Part 1) Dvoboj Sudnjega dana(dio 1) 29
Doomsday Duel(Part 2) Dvoboj Sudnjega dana(dio 2) 30
Field of Screams(Part 1) Polje vriskova(dio 1) 31
Field of Screams(Part 2) Polje vriskova(dio 2) 32
Field of Screams(Part 3) Polje vriskova(dio 3) 33
Fear Factor Faktor straha 34
Sibling Rivalry Bratsko protivništvo 35
Duel Distractions(Part 1) Dvoboj (dio 2) 36
Duel Distractions(Part 2) Dvoboj Osjećaja(dio 2) 37
Get Yarr Game On! Pokupi Slavu, igra gore! 38
The Dark Scorpions Mračni Škorpioni 39
A Lying Legend Skrivena legenda 40
A Reason to Win Razlog za pobjedu 41
Duel Monsters Spirit Day Dušni dan čudovišta dvoboja 42
Hearts are Wild Srca su divlja 43
The Seventh Shadow Rider Sedmi Jahač Sjene 44
The Amanel´s Endgame(Part 1) Amanelova završna igra (dio 1) 45
The Amanel´s Endgame(Part 2) Amanelova završna igra (dio 2) 46
Chazz-anova Čezanova 47
Rise of the Scared Beasts(Part 1) Ustanak Svetih Zvijeri(dio 1) 48
Rise of the Scared Beasts(Part 2) Ustanak Svetih Zvijeri(dio 2) 49
Magna Chum(ley) Laude Čamli u Akciji 50
The Graudation Match(Part 1) Završni Dvoboj 51
The Graudation Match(Part 2) Završni Dvoboj 52

Druga sezona uredi

Druga sezona se sastoji iz 52 epizode i radnja je ove sezona uglavnom je usmjerena na borbu protiv bjele organizacije.

Naziv epizode Prijevod Broj epizode
Back to Duel Povratak dvobojima 53
Champion or Chazz-been Šampion ili Čez 54
A Hassleberry Hounding Haslberi dolazi 55
Sad but Truesdale Tužan, ali Truesdale 56
The Demon Demon 57
A New Breed of Hero(Part 1) Nova vrsta heroja(dio 1) 58
A New Breed of Hero(Part 2) Nova vrsta heroja(dio 2) 59
Pop Goes the Duel Porodični Dvoboj 60
I've Seen the Light Ukazanje svjetla 61
E Greater Propoise Viša svrha 62
Curry Worries Nepoznati špil 63
Camaraderie Contest Suparničko takmičenje 64
No Pain,No Game Bez muke nema nauke 65
Going Bananas Opća ludost 66
Homecoming Duel(Part 1) Kućidolazeći Dvoboj(dio 1) 67
Homecoming Duel(Part 2) Kućodolazeći Dvoboj(dio 2) 68
Dormitory Demolition Demolacije u Drugu Spavaonicu 69
Obelisk White Obelisk Bijeli 70
Duel Fellas Dvoboj Osjetljivih 71
Not Playing with a Full Deck Nema igre sa Punim Špilom 72
Source of Strength Izvor snage 73
Happily Never After Nikada sretniji 74
Taken by Storm (Part 1) Oduzet olujom (1. dio) 75
Taken by Storm (Part 2) Oduzet olujom (2. dio) 76
J-Dawg and T-Bone J-Dawg i T-Bone 77
Mirror, Mirror (Part 1) Ogledalo, ogledalo (1. dio) 78
Mirror, Mirror (Part 2) Ogledalo, ogledalo (2. dio) 79
What a Doll! Kakva lutka! 80
Let's Make a Duel! Zaigrajmo dvoboj! 81
Magnetic Personality Magnetičko doba 82
Schooling the Master Školovanje gospodara 83
Generation neXt Sljedeća generacija 84
Rah, Rah, Ra! Rah, Rah, Ra! 85
The Art of the Duel Umjetnost dvoboja 86
Blinded by the Light (Part 1) Osljepljen svjetlošću(1. dio) 87
Blinded by the Light (Part 2) Osljepljen svjetlošću (2. dio) 88
The Darkness Within Zatamnjen 89
Pro-Dueling Pro-dvoboj 90
Don't Fear the Reaper Ne boj se utvare 91
Duel For Hire Dvoboj za zapošljavanje 92
Heart of Ice (Part 1) Ledeno srce prvi dio 93
Heart of Ice (Part 2) Ledeno srce drugi dio 94
Tough Love Zamišljena ljubav 95
It's All Relative Sve je otkriveno 96
The Dark Light Mracno svijetlo 97
Ultimate Destiny Jedinstvena sudbina 98
The Key Factor Ključ faktora 99
The Phoenix Has Landed (Part 1) Feniks je doplovio (1 dio) 100
The Phoenix Has Landed (Part 2) Feniks je doplovio (2 dio) 101
The Hands of Justice (Part 1) U rukama pravde (1 dio) 102
The Hands of Justice (Part 2) U rukama pravde (2 dio) 103
Future Changes Buduće promjene 104

Treća sezona uredi

Third Time's A Charm Jewel of A Duel - Part 1

Jewel of A Duel - Part 2

Hanging with Axel - Part 1

Hanging with Axel - Part 2

Primal Instinct

Head in the Clouds - Part 1

Head in the Clouds - Part 2

Win Mr Stein's Duel - Part 1

Win Mr Stein's Duel - Part 2

Trapper Keeper - Part 1

Trapper Keeper - Part 2

A Snake in the Grass - Part 1

A Snake in the Grass - Part 2

A Snake in the Grass - Part 3

Inter-Dimension Detention

Sub-Desert Duel

Night of the Living Duelist

School Ghoul Duels

Triple Play - Part 1

Triple Play - Part 2

Return of The Sacred Beasts

Breaking of the Sacred Seal!

A Dimension Duel

Unleash the Dragon - Part 1

Unleash the Dragon - Part 2

All for One

A New World Order

Friend or Fiend

Dueling with the Dark Army

Turning The Page - Part 1

Turning The Page - Part 2

The Darkness Revealed

A Sight Unseen - Part 1

A Sight Unseen - Part 2

What Lies Beneath - Part 1

What Lies Beneath - Part 2

What Lies Beneath - Part 3

The Forbidden Ritual - Part 1

The Forbidden Ritual - Part 2

Conquering The Past - Part 1

Conquering The Past - Part 2

Conquering The Past - Part 3

The Ultimate Face-Off - Part 1

The Ultimate Face-Off - Part 2

The Power Within Part 1

The Power Within Part 2

Return of the Supreme King Part 1

Return of the Supreme King Part 2

Return of the Supreme King Part 3

Remembering Jaden

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