Razgovor s korisnikom:Vseferovic/Arhiva 2

Harry Potter uredi

U pravu si, što se toga tiće. Samo stvar je u tome što sam ja u tom trenutku bio online i mijenjao taj članak. A inače nemam ništa protiv. Pozdrav --Kahriman 22:13, 23 august 2006 (CEST)Odgovori

Melzer uredi

Hvala unaprijed! Ako te interesira mogu ti dati podatke za tvoju Bosansku Dubicu, o bosnjackom stanovnistvu po naseljima po popisu 1991. godine:

Aginci - 1 Bosanska Dubica - 6.084 Bozici - 44 Draksenic - 1 Hadzibair - 1 Jasenje - 1 Josik - 187 Klekovci - 112 Medjuvodje - 1 Verija - 2 i Vrioci - 6

Melzer uredi

Po zanimanju sam demograf tako da imam gomilu literature...Pozdrav i tebi, druze sa Kozare

Międzyrzec Podlaski uredi

Thanks! Dziękuję bardzo! Danke! Renek

Bosnia, Serbia, Boris, me and you uredi


I read your message about the point of view of Boris. I want to explain me :

  • I never tried to change the point of view of Boris.
  • I don't know if he tried to change my point of view (a little bit I think)
  • I like to talk with Boris and he became a friend but this don't want mean that I'm agree with him.
  • My point of view about the situation in ex-yougoslavia is the same than in the beginning of my talking with Boris, the only difference is that I know a point of view of the serb-side and not another point of view of the bosniak and NATO sides.
  • In fact, I don't really believe Boris when he said that Kosovo is the holy land of Serb people. When Serbia was created, it was near Beograd and Voïvodina, not near Kosovo, Macedonia or Albania. And even if Kosovo is the birth land of Serb people, centuries of ottoman occupation and presence of albanian peoples make this land more kosovar than serbian. In France, our birth land is the Ruhr and the west of Germany (our first capital was Aachen). But during the first and the second world wars, are we in right if we want to annex west of the germany and make Aachen as our capital ? Absolutely no.
  • I know that serb people of Bosnia and Croatia came from Serbia. I don't know why and when but it's isn't important : they are in Bosnia and even if peoples make civil war, they will do an effort to reconciliate and live together in a multiethnic nation (I know, it's more easy to do it that to make it, it's easy for a french people to say that). In the same case they are Bosniac peoples who lived in Serbia and Montenegro. If they create a "Bosniac republic of Serbia", do you support them or do you criticize them ?
  • Let me explain my point of view about ex-yougoslavia : the will of south slavic folks to live together are the pretext of the first world war. And when they began to have democracy, the make war to separate. And the problems aren't resolved with the situation in Bosnia, Kosovo and maybe Macedonia. I really wonder why south slavic people wanted to live together.
  • An entity means to me that it's anyone distinct territory. Bosnia, France, Republika Srpska, Kosovo, Voïvodine,... are entities. The differences are they have different status : independance, autonomy, legal guardian,...
  • Be carreful with the Basques. Situation is absolutely not the same than Republika Srpska. Basques people are living in the region before the birth of the actual countries and they are still dominated by countries and today by Spain and France. It's like you when you want to became independant from the ottoman empire. The problem with the Basque that they are living in two countries whith two systems of territorial organisation. Spanish Basques can be autonomus and maybe independant because Spain agree with autonomous regions (like Catalogne or Galice). But in France, the creation of autonomous regions isn't envisaged by the constitution. If we want to give to the basques some autonomy, we must give to them independance or transform France in a federal country (and Corses, Alsacians, Bretons,... want to be autonomous). Serbs of Bosnia have a country for them (Serbia not Republika Srpska) and they aren't in Bosnia since the begining.

Another thing : do you know this about Boris ? Can you explain me if you know because I don't understand serbian.

Rémih213.30.156.2 10:39, 28 august 2006 (CEST)Odgovori

Boris uredi

I didn't understand all your translation (I have a bad english) but they wonder if they could block an user indefinitely, this is true ? So the vote is over and he is blocked indefinitely but because of what in fact ? Because of he abuse of his administrator status ? They could only remove his status and not block him. Because of his actions about his positions about Republika Srpska and others ? They could blocked him for a week, one month or three months but not indefinitely. Does he never have a warning or be blocked ?. You can see his request on my talk page (at the end of "14 From Boris") I vote for Boris because I think that the punishment of Boris is too strong. (what "Sockpuppet" means ?) Thank you for the translation.Rémih87.88.188.118 18:55, 28 august 2006 (CEST)Odgovori

I'm beginning to see more clear in this history with Boris. I must tell to you that I'm speaking with him by e-mail (cause he's blocked as you know). So when I began to contribute to Wikipedia at early july, I contribute to the french article about Republika Srpska. He took contact with me and I guess he thought I was agree with RS, serbs and serb politic. He told to me as I was in his side. But I'm considering myself as neutral about Serbia and the others folks of ex-Yougoslavia. In his e-mails, he is telling to me that he was blocked cause five admins of the sr wiki don't like his contributions, that he never had sockpuppets (only one old time on the en wiki) untill he was blocked and that the five admins don't like anywone who aren't agree with them and are taking punishments against this contributors. He say the five admins threaten the users who support Boris to block them too. But he never tell me why he don't been liked by this admins. I guess he don't want to me this cause I'm not his friend anymore in this case.
I saw his chat on your user page. I'm not imply in this discussion and in the Kosovo's history but what I've seen is a confrontation between two points of view, not discussion between two liars. I can make the parallel in France with Corsica : in the 19 century, Piémont-Sardaigne Kingdom give Corsica to France. This is a fact. But corses say that france is occupying the country of corse (wich never be independant) and corse terrorists want to make free Corse. France say she isn't occupying Corse and won it legally. This is two points of view around the same facts. The same situation that serbs and the other nations about the wars in ex-Yougoslavia and Kosovo.
GreetingsRémih213.30.156.2 09:43, 29 august 2006 (CEST)Odgovori

Editions about RS uredi

I saw your discussions on this page about the french contributions about RS. I think it's a good thing that a person who don't know a country contribute to the article. He can bring an external point of view, adding with the points of view who are in the country. I contribute to RS and I took care to put only the facts and not points of view from serbs, bosniacs or croatians. But if you are think that the article is'nt neutral, tell me!

If you want to contribute to the article about the Basques, you can go. Maybe the article isn't neutral and we need to have an external point of view.

GreetingsRémih213.30.156.2 09:54, 29 august 2006 (CEST)Odgovori

Države Svijeta uredi

Molim te, kad praviš nove kategorije o državama svijeta poput kategorije:Kirigstan, da ih svrstaš u kategoriju:Države Svijeta (ne u Kategorija:Države svijeta). Ako članak nije u toj kategoriji, i njega svrstaj u tu kategoriju. Tako će biti sistematičnije i preglednije. Pozdrav --Kahriman 21:15, 31 august 2006 (CEST)Odgovori

U vezi clanka 1 E12 m² uredi

Selam zemljaku Dubicancu! Imam jednu dobronamjernu primjedbu na tvoj rad u vezi clanka "1 E12 m²": nisi bas dobar u prevodjenju na bosanski, i trenutna verzija clanka je losa, a vec si napravio preko deset verzija clanka. Zar nije bolje da prvo uradis posao oko clanka na svom kompjuteru, pa tek onda da zavrsnu verziju stavis na Wikipediju? Ovako ja, ako bih htio da popravljam greske, ne znam ni da li si na pocetku, na polovini ili uopce jos uvijek radis na clanku. Osim toga, ako nisi clanak preveo do kraja, oznaci clanak da mu je potreban prevod, ili da nije dovrsen. Vjerujem da bi sa tim olaksao posao i drugima, ne samo meni. --Twonex 01:02, 3 septembar 2006 (CEST)Odgovori

BiH nogomet u .svg format uredi

Nisam bas razumio tvoje pitanje. U cemu je problem sa prebacivanjem slike N/FSBiH? Pozdrav. --Elmir[demicx] 20:13, 7 septembar 2006 (CEST)Odgovori

Hvala, ali... uredi

Hehe, treba mi prijevod na njemački. Znam ja sebi ko prevesti sa enleskog, iako naravski slabo pišem ensleski. Iako je došlo do zabune, ipak hvala! Trudi se cijeni.. ;) --Haris 18:23, 9 septembar 2006 (CEST) Prboaj sada snimiti datoteku, mislim da bi trebalo u SVG. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/fr/9/9f/Football_Bosnie-Herzégovine_federation.svgOdgovori

Gospodin Seferovic, vidio sam neke clanke na engleskoj Wikipediji koje ste radili, poput Konjic, i ostale gradove, koje trenutno unistavaju neki radikalni Srbi. Kako ima malo ljudi kojima je u interesu da sprece te napade, ja vas upozoravam ovim putem. Friend.
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